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fix: enhance casting methods for proper conversion of primitive value…
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…s to target types (#27)

- As checkita operates using Spark RDD API then it deals with Spark Row
instances to process data. Row stores data of various types and
therefore, we have to guess (pattern match) actual type of the value
prior its conversion. We use Spark SQL to JVM types mapping as per Spark
- For set-based (distinctValues and duplicateValues) metrics it is
crucial to have unique string representation for unique tuples of
columns. Recursive sequence to string casting method is implemented for
- In addition, added some debug logs for metric error collection.
  • Loading branch information
gabb1er authored Feb 22, 2024
1 parent 83a3cba commit 744384b
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Showing 10 changed files with 420 additions and 105 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -116,10 +116,16 @@ trait DQJob extends Logging {
protected def logMetricResults(stage: String, metType: String, mr: MetricResults): Unit = mr.foreach {
case (mId, calcResults) => calcResults.foreach(r => r.errors match {
case None =>"$stage ${metType.capitalize} metric '$mId' calculation completed without any errors.")
case Some(e) if e.errors.isEmpty =>
s"$stage ${metType.capitalize} metric '$mId' calculation completed without any errors."
case Some(e) =>
if (e.errors.isEmpty)"$stage ${metType.capitalize} metric '$mId' calculation completed without any errors.")
else log.warn(s"$stage ${metType.capitalize} metric '$mId' calculation yielded ${e.errors.size} errors.")
log.warn(s"$stage ${metType.capitalize} metric '$mId' calculation yielded ${e.errors.size} errors.")
log.debug(stage + " Error data are collected for following columns:" + e.columns.mkString("[", ", ", "]"))
e.errors.foreach{ errRow =>
log.debug(stage + " Error message: " + errRow.message)
log.debug(stage + " Collected row data: " + errRow.rowData.mkString("[", ", ", "]"))

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283 changes: 283 additions & 0 deletions checkita-core/src/main/scala/ru/raiffeisen/checkita/core/Casting.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
package ru.raiffeisen.checkita.core

import org.apache.spark.sql.Row

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.time.{LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime, ZoneOffset}
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.Try

* Helpers used to convert values of type Any to desirable type.
* The indent of these helpers is to manage values obtained from Spark Row to desired type for use
* in metric calculators.
* As the Spark Row can stores elements of various type then we need to guess (pattern match) it to provide
* an appropriate conversion method.
* For that purpose we will follow Spark SQL Type to Java types mapping:
* - BooleanType -> java.lang.Boolean
* - ByteType -> java.lang.Byte
* - ShortType -> java.lang.Short
* - IntegerType -> java.lang.Integer
* - LongType -> java.lang.Long
* - FloatType -> java.lang.Float
* - DoubleType -> java.lang.Double
* - StringType -> String
* - DecimalType -> java.math.BigDecimal
* - DateType -> java.sql.Date if spark.sql.datetime.java8API.enabled is false
* - DateType -> java.time.LocalDate if spark.sql.datetime.java8API.enabled is true
* - TimestampType -> java.sql.Timestamp if spark.sql.datetime.java8API.enabled is false
* - TimestampType -> java.time.Instant if spark.sql.datetime.java8API.enabled is true
* - BinaryType -> byte array
* - ArrayType -> scala.collection.Seq (use getList for java.util.List)
* - MapType -> scala.collection.Map (use getJavaMap for java.util.Map)
* - StructType -> org.apache.spark.sql.Row
object Casting {

* Tries to convert array of bytes to double.
* The approach on casting depends on size of array:
* - in case of empty array return None
* - in case of single byte return this byte converted to double
* - in case of two bytes retrieve short number and convert it to double
* - in case of four bytes retrieve integer number and convert it to double
* - in case of eight bytes retrieve double itself
* - for other lengths try to convert array to string and string to double.
* - None if none of the above was successful.
* @param b Byte array to convert to double
* @return Some double of conversion was successful or None
def getDoubleFromBytes(b: Array[Byte]): Option[Double] = b.length match {
case 0 => None
case 1 => Some(b.head.toDouble)
case 2 => Some(ByteBuffer.wrap(b).asShortBuffer().get().toDouble)
case 4 => Some(ByteBuffer.wrap(b).getInt.toDouble)
case 8 => Some(ByteBuffer.wrap(b).getDouble)
case _ => Try(

* Tries to convert array of bytes to long.
* The approach will differ on size of array:
* - in case of empty array return None
* - in case of single byte return this byte converted to long
* - in case of two bytes retrieve short number and convert it to long
* - in case of four bytes retrieve integer number and convert it to long
* - in case of eight bytes retrieve long itself
* - for other lengths try to convert array to string and string to long.
* - None if none of the above was successful.
* @param b Byte array to convert to long
* @return Some long of conversion was successful or None
def getLongFromBytes(b: Array[Byte]): Option[Long] = b.length match {
case 0 => None
case 1 => Some(b.head.toLong)
case 2 => Some(ByteBuffer.wrap(b).asShortBuffer().get().toLong)
case 4 => Some(ByteBuffer.wrap(b).getInt.toLong)
case 8 => Some(ByteBuffer.wrap(b).getLong())
case _ => Try(

* Converts string to LocalDateTime object provided with format string.
* @param str String to convert to LocalDateTime
* @param dateFormat Format string
* @return Some LocalDateTime instance if conversion was successful or None
def stringToLocalDateTime(str: String, dateFormat: String): Option[LocalDateTime] = Try{
val fmt = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(dateFormat)
}.flatMap { accessor =>
val tryDateTime = Try(LocalDateTime.from(accessor))
val tryDate = Try(LocalDate.from(accessor).atStartOfDay())
val tryTime = Try(LocalTime.from(accessor).atDate(
tryDateTime orElse tryDate orElse tryTime

* Converts value of primitive to string.
* @param value value to convert to string
* @param dtAsLong Boolean flag indicating whether date and time related types should be converted
* to Epoch before converting to string.
* @return String representation of a value
def primitiveValToString(value: Any, dtAsLong: Boolean = false): String = value match {
case bool: java.lang.Boolean => bool.toString
case byte: java.lang.Byte => byte.toString
case short: java.lang.Short => short.toString
case int: java.lang.Integer => int.toString
case long: java.lang.Long => long.toString
case float: java.lang.Float => float.toString
case double: java.lang.Double => double.toString
case string: String => string
case char: Char => char.toString
case decimal: java.math.BigDecimal => decimal.toPlainString
case date: java.sql.Date => if (dtAsLong) date.toLocalDate.toEpochDay.toString else date.toString
case localDate: java.time.LocalDate => if (dtAsLong) localDate.toEpochDay.toString else localDate.toString
case timestamp: java.sql.Timestamp =>
if (dtAsLong) timestamp.toInstant.toEpochMilli.toString else timestamp.toString
case instant: java.time.Instant => if (dtAsLong) instant.toEpochMilli.toString else instant.toString

* Converts primitive value to Double.
* @param value Value to convert to double
* @return Some double value if conversion was successful or None
* @note Date and time related types are converted to Epoch and then to Double
def primitiveValToDouble(value: Any): Option[Double] = value match {
case byte: java.lang.Byte => Some(byte.toDouble)
case short: java.lang.Short => Some(short.toDouble)
case int: java.lang.Integer => Some(int.toDouble)
case long: java.lang.Long => Some(long.toDouble)
case float: java.lang.Float => Some(float.toDouble)
case double: java.lang.Double => Some(double)
case string: String => Try(string.toDouble).toOption
case char: Char => Try(char.toString.toDouble).toOption
case decimal: java.math.BigDecimal => Some(decimal.doubleValue())
case date: java.sql.Date => Some(date.toLocalDate.toEpochDay.toDouble)
case localDate: java.time.LocalDate => Some(localDate.toEpochDay.toDouble)
case timestamp: java.sql.Timestamp => Some(timestamp.toInstant.toEpochMilli.toDouble)
case instant: java.time.Instant => Some(instant.toEpochMilli.toDouble)
case _ => None

* Converts primitive value to Long
* @param value Value to convert to long
* @return Some long value if conversion was successful or None
* @note Date and time related types are converted to Epoch long
def primitiveValToLong(value: Any): Option[Long] = value match {
case byte: java.lang.Byte => Some(byte.toLong)
case short: java.lang.Short => Some(short.toLong)
case int: java.lang.Integer => Some(int.toLong)
case long: java.lang.Long => Some(long.toLong)
case float: java.lang.Float => Some(float.toLong)
case double: java.lang.Double => Some(double.toLong)
case string: String => Try(string.toLong).toOption
case char: Char => Try(char.toString.toLong).toOption
case decimal: java.math.BigDecimal => Some(decimal.longValue())
case date: java.sql.Date => Some(date.toLocalDate.toEpochDay)
case localDate: java.time.LocalDate => Some(localDate.toEpochDay)
case timestamp: java.sql.Timestamp => Some(timestamp.toInstant.toEpochMilli)
case instant: java.time.Instant => Some(instant.toEpochMilli)

* Recursive function to convert sequence of values (possibly may contain nested traversable structures) to string.
* String representation is just a concatenation of all primitive values converted to string.
* @param seq Sequence to convert to string
* @param acc String accumulator used to store already converted elements.
* @return String representation of a sequence
* @note This kind of conversion is used in distinctValues and duplicateValues metric calculators
* which use Set to store all unique column tuples.
* Therefore, these tuples needs to be serialized as a single string to be properly put to Set.
* Alternatively, we could've proceed with serialization to byte array, but benchmarking showed
* that string serialization works better (mostly because of lower GC workload).
* @note Maps and Sets do not guarantee the order of traversing elements, therefore, concatenation of
* string representation if their elements could yield different result for the collection with the
* same elements. On the other hand, Scala guarantees that set or map with the same elements will
* yield the same hashcode. Thus, we chose that approach to represent maps and sets as string.
* This is sufficient for the purpose of finding unique column values.
def seqToString(seq: Seq[_], acc: String = ""): String =
if (seq.isEmpty) acc else {
seq.head match {
case null => seqToString(seq.tail, acc + s"None@${None.hashCode}")
case b: Array[Byte] => seqToString(seq.tail, acc + new String(b, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
case sq: Seq[_] => seqToString(sq ++ seq.tail, acc)
case row: Row => seqToString(row.toSeq ++ seq.tail, acc)
case map: Map[_, _] => seqToString(seq.tail, acc + map.hashCode.toString) // map doesn't guarantee the order of traversing elements
case set: Set[_] => seqToString(seq.tail, acc + set.hashCode.toString) // set doesn't guarantee the order of traversing elements
case primitiveValue => seqToString(seq.tail, acc + primitiveValToString(primitiveValue, dtAsLong = true))

* Tries to cast primitive value to String.
* Used in metric calculators.
* @param value value to cast
* @return Optional of String value (None if casting wasn't successful)
* @note Metric calculators are not intended to work complex data types.
* Therefore, only primitive types are converted to string as well as byte arrays.
* Attempt to convert complex data type such as Map or StructType will return None.
def tryToString(value: Any): Option[String] = value match {
case null => None
case b: Array[Byte] => Some(new String(b, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
case otherValue => Try(primitiveValToString(otherValue)).toOption

* Tries to cast primitive value to Double.
* Used in metric calculators.
* @param value value to cast
* @return Optional Double value (None if casting wasn't successful)
* @note Metric calculators are not intended to work complex data types.
* Therefore, only primitive types are converted to double as well as byte arrays.
* Attempt to convert complex data type such as Map or StructType will return None.
def tryToDouble(value: Any): Option[Double] = value match {
case null => None
case b: Array[Byte] => getDoubleFromBytes(b)
case otherValue => primitiveValToDouble(otherValue)

* Tries to cast any value to Long.
* Used in metric calculators.
* @param value value to cast
* @return Optional Long value (None if casting wasn't successful)
* @note Metric calculators are not intended to work complex data types.
* Therefore, only primitive types are converted to long as well as byte arrays.
* Attempt to convert complex data type such as Map or StructType will return None.
def tryToLong(value: Any): Option[Long] = value match {
case null => None
case b: Array[Byte] => getLongFromBytes(b)
case otherValue => primitiveValToLong(otherValue)

* Tries to cast primitive value to LocalDateTime object
* for use in date-related metrics calculators.
* @param value - value to cast
* @param dateFormat - date format used for casting
* @return Optional LocalDateTime object (None if casting wasn't successful)
* @note Metric calculators are not intended to work complex data types.
* Therefore, only primitive types can be converted to LocalDateTime as well as byte arrays.
* Attempt to convert complex data type such as Map or StructType will return None.
def tryToDate(value: Any, dateFormat: String): Option[LocalDateTime] =
value match {
case null => None
case date: java.sql.Date => Some(date.toLocalDate.atStartOfDay())
case localDate: java.time.LocalDate => Some(localDate.atStartOfDay())
case timestamp: java.sql.Timestamp => Some(timestamp.toLocalDateTime)
case instant: java.time.Instant => Some(LocalDateTime.ofInstant(instant, ZoneOffset.UTC))
case b: Array[Byte] => stringToLocalDateTime(new String(b, StandardCharsets.UTF_8), dateFormat)
case otherValue =>
Try(primitiveValToString(otherValue)).toOption.flatMap(stringToLocalDateTime(_, dateFormat))

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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package ru.raiffeisen.checkita.core.metrics.regular
import com.twitter.algebird.HyperLogLog.long2Bytes
import com.twitter.algebird.{HLL, HyperLogLog, HyperLogLogMonoid, SpaceSaver}
import ru.raiffeisen.checkita.core.CalculatorStatus
import ru.raiffeisen.checkita.core.Helpers.{tryToLong, tryToString}
import ru.raiffeisen.checkita.core.Casting.{tryToLong, tryToString}
import ru.raiffeisen.checkita.core.metrics.{MetricCalculator, MetricName}

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