The web app is currently disabled to save costs.
Facebluk a simple prototype social network that showcases the implementation of various backend software design and architecture patterns.
The project is composed of a backend and frontend codebase. It draws inspiration from various methodologies and principles such as Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Event Sourcing, Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Clean Architecture, Event-Driven Architecture, Polyglot Persistence and Functional Programming.
The backend codebase uses the following tech: TypeScript, Fastify, REST API, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, InfluxDB, Redis, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Supabase.
- Fastify: for the command REST API and the query GraphQL API.
- PostgreSQL: for storing events and also data state for validation of commands.
- ElasticSearch: for searching other users.
- InfluxDB: for storing logs.
- Redis: as a cache for storing posts to later retrieve in the homepage.
- MongoDB: for queries to state data.
- RabbitMQ: for sending commands and events.
- Supabase: for user auth management and file storage.
Here is a diagram of the backend architecture:
The frontend codebase is not the main highlight of the project, it uses the following tech: TypeScript, Next.js, React Query, and TailwindCSS. It can be found here
Work-in-progress additions: a graph db for better relationship navigation, websockets for chat communication.
- Create the package
npm init -y --scope @facebluk -w packages/n
Change main to dist/index.js inside package.json
Install dependencies
- npm install @facebluk/n -w @facebluk/n
- Create tsconfig inside project
project/tsconfig.json { "extends": "../../tsconfig.base.json", "compilerOptions": { "rootDir": "src", "outDir": "dist" }, "references": [{ "path": "../n" }] }
- Add project reference inside root tsconfig.json
{ "path": "apps/n" }