The Wharton School
- University of Pennsylvania
- http://RajatBhageria.com
Manual Public
Forked from Bloomberg-Beta/ManualYou were probably looking for our website... this is it. We moved our website here, so you can see the insides of how we work.
UpdatedFeb 22, 2021 -
Visual-Billboarding Public
Create a visual billboard of an image using homography in a video
MATLAB UpdatedApr 26, 2018 -
From multiple camera poses do image rectification and do structure from motion to create a RBG point cloud of the pixels in 3D space
Quadrotor-Robotics Public
Quadrotor Trajectory Planning, Shortest Path Planning, Pose Estimation, Visual Velocity Estimation, Visual Extended Kalman Filter, Visual Structure from Motion,
Reinforcement-Learning Public
Uses OpenAI Gym with Q-Learning, Value iteration, REINFORCE Policy Gradient with Continuous State Space and Continuous Action Space
Visual-SLAM Public
Simultaneous localization and planning for biped robot and texture mapping. Uses LIDAR scans; IMU roll, pitch, yaw data; gyro; and Kinect for RGB-Depth images for texture map
Machine-Perception Public
Fourier Signal Processing For Images, Pose Estimation, Epipolar Geometry, 3D-3D points
Recognize between multiple gestures using a hidden markov model through acceleration data
Use a Kalman filter to combine gyro angular velocity measurements with VICON acceleration measurements to estimate orientation of a robot
Color-Segmentation Public
Use Multinomial Gaussian PDF to predict the center of a red barrel in an image and find the distance from the camera using linear regression
Python UpdatedJan 26, 2018 -
Face-Replacement-in-Videos Public
Vision based face replacement in Videos -- replace two faces in two arbitrary videos
Take multiple videos and mosaic them together into a video panorama
Soldering-Robot Public
Robot automatically does trajectory planning, feeds wire in front of rod, and solders to a pin on a perfboard
A machine learning based approach using CNNs to detect the absolute depth of objects with in a single monocular still image
Sunrise-Light Public
A IoT Device that plays peaceful music and slowly brightens a colorful light
MechatronicsMEAM510 Public
Mechatronic Systems and Embedded Systems
Optical-Flow Public
Optical flow computer vision algorithm for face detection and tracking in videos
Robotics_MEAM520 Public
Forward Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics, Trajectory Planning using Rapidly Exploring Random Trees, Trajectory Planning using Potential Field Planner, and Haptics
EdgeMatching Public
Edge Matching for Object Recognition of Pills Based on Canny Edge Detector
Arduino-Temperature-Monitor Public
Temperature monitor for Arduino using RGB LCD and Temp Servo
C++ UpdatedMay 21, 2016 -
Sendr Public
Shared economy app for iOS allowing people to rent things from each other