To run
$ make docker-compose-up
Go to http://localhost:8888/docs#/ To see all the api endpoints
/api -> gets all the courses supports sorting and filtering of courses based on domain
Endpoint to get the course overview.
/api/course/{course_id} -> gets a specific course
Endpoint to get specific chapter information.
/api/chapter/{chapter_id} -> gets a specific chapter
Endpoint to allow users to rate each chapter (positive/negative), while aggregating all ratings for each course.
/api/rating/{chapter_id} -> updates the rating of a specific chapter
Assuming that rating are anonymous
Flow: loading data
check if the course documents are already loaded or not
if not then
Load the course documents
Create indexing for those documents
All setup done
For indexing we #General id indexing collection.create_index('id')
# ascending indexing of name fields
collection.create_index([('name', 1)])
# descending indexing of date fields
collection.create_index([('date', -1)])
# descending indexing of rating fields
collection.create_index([('rating', -1)])
# for domain queries
# General purpose indexing of id fields
# accesnding indexing of name of chapters
collection.create_index([('', 1), ])
# decending indexing of rating of chapters
collection.create_index([('chapters.rating', -1)])