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Add nice drag-and-drop reordering examples from Stephan
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Stephan agreed too upload it in pharo-graphics.
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tinchodias committed Dec 9, 2021
1 parent 45b4632 commit 87f9718
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Showing 8 changed files with 674 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Class {
#name : #BaselineOfBrickExamplesReordering,
#superclass : #BaselineOf,
#category : #BaselineOfBrickExamplesReordering

{ #category : #baselines }
BaselineOfBrickExamplesReordering >> baseline: spec [
spec for: #common do: [
baseline: 'NewBrick'
with: [ spec repository: 'github://pharo-graphics/Brick/src' ].
package: #'Brick-Examples-Reordering' with: [
spec requires: #( #NewBrick ) ] ]

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/BaselineOfBrickExamplesReordering/
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Package { #name : #BaselineOfBrickExamplesReordering }
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions src/Brick-Examples-Reordering/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Class {
#name : #BrLeftButtonAptitude,
#superclass : #BrGlamorousButtonRectangularAptitude,
#category : #'Brick-Examples-Reordering'

{ #category : #initialization }
BrLeftButtonAptitude >> initialize [
super initialize.
self addAll: {
BrGlamorousButtonExteriorAptitude new.
BrGlamorousButtonIconAptitude new.
self default geometry: ( BlRoundedRectangleGeometry cornerRadii: (BlCornerRadii new
topLeft: 4;
topRight: 0;
bottomLeft: 4;
bottomRight: 0)).
self add: (BrSizeAdjustmentAptitude new
mini: [ :aStyle |
vExact: 12;
padding: (BlInsets left: 4 right: 4) ];
tiny: [ :aStyle |
vExact: 16;
padding: (BlInsets left: 6 right: 6) ];
small: [ :aStyle |
vExact: 20;
padding: (BlInsets left: 8 right: 8) ];
normal: [ :aStyle |
vExact: 24;
padding: (BlInsets left: 10 right: 10) ];
large: [ :aStyle |
vExact: 30;
padding: (BlInsets left: 10 right: 10) ];
huge: [ :aStyle |
vExact: 48;
padding: (BlInsets left: 16 right: 16) ]).

self add: BrGlamorousButtonLayoutAptitude new

47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions src/Brick-Examples-Reordering/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Class {
#name : #BrRightButtonAptitude,
#superclass : #BrGlamorousButtonRectangularAptitude,
#category : #'Brick-Examples-Reordering'

{ #category : #initialization }
BrRightButtonAptitude >> initialize [
super initialize.
self addAll: {
BrGlamorousButtonExteriorAptitude new.
BrGlamorousButtonIconAptitude new.
self default geometry: ( BlRoundedRectangleGeometry cornerRadii: (BlCornerRadii new
topLeft: 0;
topRight: 4;
bottomLeft: 0;
bottomRight: 4)).
self add: (BrSizeAdjustmentAptitude new
mini: [ :aStyle |
vExact: 12;
padding: (BlInsets left: 4 right: 4) ];
tiny: [ :aStyle |
vExact: 16;
padding: (BlInsets left: 6 right: 6) ];
small: [ :aStyle |
vExact: 20;
padding: (BlInsets left: 8 right: 8) ];
normal: [ :aStyle |
vExact: 24;
padding: (BlInsets left: 10 right: 10) ];
large: [ :aStyle |
vExact: 30;
padding: (BlInsets left: 10 right: 10) ];
huge: [ :aStyle |
vExact: 48;
padding: (BlInsets left: 16 right: 16) ]).

self add: BrGlamorousButtonLayoutAptitude new

228 changes: 228 additions & 0 deletions src/Brick-Examples-Reordering/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
In planning boards, we want to drag and drop tasks from one pane to another. This event handler supports that. The container is the space where the dragging and dropping is to happen, the panes are the elements that contain tasks
Class {
#name : #DTMultiPaneReorderingHandler,
#superclass : #DTReorderingHandler,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Brick-Examples-Reordering'

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DTMultiPaneReorderingHandler >> cards [
| plusSize minSize bar pane scene aSpace |
pane := self threeColumns
constraintsDo: [ :c |
c horizontal matchParent.
c vertical matchParent ].
plusSize := self plusButton
action: [ | subject |
subject := (pane childAt: 1) childAt: 1.
subject size: subject size + (20 @ 20) ];
minSize := self minButton
action: [ | subject |
subject := (pane childAt: 1) childAt: 1.
subject size: (subject size - (20 @ 20) max: 10 @ 10) ];
bar := BlElement new
size: 800 @ 40;
background: Color lightGray muchLighter;
layout: BlLinearLayout horizontal;
constraintsDo: [ :c |
c horizontal matchParent.
c vertical exact: 40 ];
addChild: minSize;
addChild: plusSize;
scene := BlElement new
constraintsDo: [ :c |
c horizontal matchParent.
c vertical matchParent ];
layout: BlLinearLayout vertical;
addChild: bar;
addChild: pane;
aSpace := BlSpace new
addChild: scene;
extent: 800 @ 600;
title: 'Cards'.
^ aSpace show

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DTMultiPaneReorderingHandler >> container: theContainer [
container := theContainer

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DTMultiPaneReorderingHandler >> dragEndEvent: anEvent [
"anEvent consumed: true."
| draggable |
draggable := anEvent currentTarget.
overlay removeChild: draggable.
parent replaceChild: placeholder with: draggable.
overlay detach.

anEvent currentTarget dispatchEvent: BlPullEndEvent new

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DTMultiPaneReorderingHandler >> dragEvent: anEvent [
| dragPosition dragDelta aNewPosition |
dragPosition := anEvent currentTarget
globalPointToParent: anEvent position.
self movePlaceholderIfOverOtherChild: anEvent.
dragDelta := dragPosition
- (dragStartPosition ifNil: [ dragStartPosition := dragPosition ]).
dragDelta := self computePullDelta: dragDelta.
aNewPosition := (originalPosition
ifNil: [ originalPosition := anEvent currentTarget position ])
+ dragDelta.
ifFalse: [ | aMaxPosition |
aMaxPosition := anEvent currentTarget hasParent
ifTrue: [ anEvent currentTarget parent extent - anEvent currentTarget extent ]
ifFalse: [ 0 @ 0 ].
aNewPosition := aNewPosition min: aMaxPosition max: 0 @ 0 ].
anEvent currentTarget relocate: aNewPosition.
anEvent consumed: true.
anEvent currentTarget
(BlPullEvent new
initialPosition: originalPosition;
oldPosition: dragPosition;
newPosition: aNewPosition;
delta: dragDelta)

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DTMultiPaneReorderingHandler >> dragStartEvent: anEvent [
|draggable |
anEvent consumed: true.
draggable := anEvent currentTarget.
parent := panes detect: [ :aPane | aPane containsGlobalPoint: anEvent position ].
overlay := BlOverlayElement on: container.
container parent addChild: overlay.

"drag start position in parent"
dragStartPosition := draggable globalPointToParent: anEvent position.

"element position in parent"
originalPosition := draggable position.
placeholder := self placeholderFor: draggable.
parent replaceChild: draggable with: placeholder.
overlay addChild: draggable.

anEvent currentTarget dispatchEvent: BlPullStartEvent new

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DTMultiPaneReorderingHandler >> minButton [
^BrButton new
top: 10
left: 10
bottom: 10
right: 0);
aptitude: BrLeftButtonAptitude;
icon: BrGlamorousVectorIcons remove;

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DTMultiPaneReorderingHandler >> movePlaceholderIfOverOtherChild: anEvent [
| mouseOverOther |
self movePlaceholderToCorrectParent: anEvent.
mouseOverOther := placeholder.
parent children
do: [ :each |
(each containsGlobalPoint: anEvent position)
ifTrue: [ mouseOverOther := each ] ].
mouseOverOther = placeholder
ifFalse: [ | index |
index := parent childIndexOf: mouseOverOther.
parent removeChild: placeholder.
parent addChild: placeholder at: index ]

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DTMultiPaneReorderingHandler >> movePlaceholderToCorrectParent: anEvent [
| currentPane |
currentPane := panes
detect: [ :aPane | aPane containsGlobalPoint: anEvent position ]
ifNone: [ parent ].
currentPane = parent
ifFalse: [ parent removeChild: placeholder.
parent := currentPane.
parent addChild: placeholder ]

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DTMultiPaneReorderingHandler >> panes: thePanes [
panes := thePanes

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DTMultiPaneReorderingHandler >> plusButton [
^BrButton new
top: 10
left: 0
bottom: 10
right: 10);
aptitude: BrRightButtonAptitude;
icon: BrGlamorousVectorIcons add;

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
DTMultiPaneReorderingHandler >> threeColumns [
|pane columnBlock toDo doing done columns handler|
pane := BlElement new
size: 800 @ 600;
background: (Color lightGray muchLighter);
padding: (BlInsets all: 2);
layout: BlLinearLayout horizontal;

columnBlock := [BlElement new
border: (BlBorder paint: Color lightGray lighter);
background: Color yellow muchLighter muchLighter lighter;
layout: BlFlowLayout new;
margin: (BlInsets all: 2);
padding: (BlInsets all: 2);
constraintsDo: [ :c |
c horizontal matchParent.
c vertical matchParent]].

toDo := columnBlock value.
doing := columnBlock value.
done := columnBlock value.
columns := { toDo . doing . done}.

handler := DTMultiPaneReorderingHandler new
container: pane;
panes: columns;

pane addChildren: columns.
10 timesRepeat: [ |element|
element := BlElement new
size: 80 @ 60;
border: (BlBorder paint: Color black);
background: Color random;
margin: (BlInsets all: 2);
addEventHandler: handler;
toDo addChild: element].

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