Process Log Generator is a application capable to generate random business processes, starting from some general "complexity paramenters". PLG is also able to "execute" a given process model in order to generate a process log.
This software is designed to help researchers in the construction of a large set of processes and corresponding execution logs. This software is released with a small library which could help in the programmatical creation of processes.
More information at the project home page
Attention: this repository is a complete rewriting of the project already available at:
- Visit the Wiki for all information. Useful quick documentation:
- How to specify Data Objects to generate multiperspectives logs
- How to work with times in PLG
Please, cite this work as:
- Andrea Burattin. "PLG2: Multiperspective Process Randomization with Online and Offline Simulations". In Online Proceedings of the BPM Demo Track 2016; Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; September, 18 2016; 2016.
Other relevant publications:
- Andrea Burattin. "PLG2: Multiperspective Processes Randomization and Simulation for Online and Offline Settings". In CoRR abs/1506.08415, Jun. 2015.
- Andrea Burattin and Alessandro Sperduti. "PLG: a Framework for the Generation of Business Process Models and their Execution Logs". In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI 2010); Stevens Institute of Technology; Hoboken, New Jersey, USA; September 13, 2010.10.1007/978-3-642-20511-8_20.