Demonstrative bundle showing how one might implement a crafting system.
Recipes are defined in 'data/recipes.json' like so:
// the item this recipe will generate
"item": "limbo:potionhealth1",
// recipe defines the resources needed and their amounts
"recipe": {
"plant_material": 3,
"rose_petal": 1
Resources for recipes are defined next to recipes in data/resources.json
"plant_material": {
"title": "Plant Material",
"quality": "common"
"rose_petal": {
"title": "Rose Petal",
"quality": "uncommon"
For a player to get resources you create an item for them to use the gather
command on:
- id: greenplant
name: "Green Plant"
roomDesc: "Green Plant"
keywords: [ "green", "plant", "resource" ]
noPickup: true
# configures if and what happens when this resource is gathered
# flavor message displayed to the user after gathering
depletedMessage: "withers, having been stripped of usable materials."
# which materials you get and their rannge. `gather` will pick a random
# amount from this range
min: 1
max: 3