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Library to facilitate the use of Ethers.js in a React dApp

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React Ethers v1.8.2

Waiting for WalletConnectV2 stable release and want ot see this library in Rust

Current work 👷

  • fix errors that are not handled


react-ethers was created to facilitate the use, in React, of Ethers.js which is a library for interacting with Ethereum Blockchain. It aims to be a small dependence which can be easily used in any React dApp.

Usage in your dApp


yarn add react-ethers

Wrap your app with EVMContext

Use it with zero config:

// src/index.js
import { EVMContext } from "react-ethers"

      <App />

See how to add a config

(still using React17 for the moment)

Get blockchain informations

// src/Dapp.js
import { useEVM } from "react-ethers"

const Dapp = () => {
  const { network, account, provider, methods, connectionType } = useEVM()

  return <>...</>

Available informations & methods:

// --- provider ---
type Provider = null | Web3Provider | FallbackProvider | BaseProvider

// --- network ---
type Network = {
  name: string
  chainId: number
  blockHeight: number
  publicEndpoints: string[]
  explorerUrl: string

// --- account ---
interface Account {
  isLogged: boolean
  address: string
  balance: string | number
  walletType: string
  signer: JsonRpcSigner

// --- methods ---
type Methods = {
  launchConnection: (connectionType: ConnectionType) => void
  setAutoRefresh: (setTo: boolean) => void
  switchNetwork: (chainId: number) => void
  loginToInjected: () => void
  createVoidSigner: (address: string) => void
  deleteVoidSigner: () => void
  getNetworkList: () => Network[]

// --- connection type ---
type ConnectionType = "not initialized" | "injected" | "endpoints"

// --- others ---
autoRefreshActive: boolean
haveWebExtension: boolean

EthersJS References:

Launch connection

There two type of connections:

  • injected: using the web extensions to connect the blockchain (so through INFURA in the case of the basic configuration of Metamask for exemple). The provider is connected by default on the chosen network in the web extension, if this network is not known by EVMContext this will set the name of the network as Network null (chainID:0).
    You can use haveWebExtension to check if the user have an extension installed (window.ethereum injected).
    Caution: this is mainly tested with Metamask

  • endpoints: using one or several endpoints to connect the blockchain. It use a FallbackProvider (witch use a quorum of provider). By default the network is set to Ethereum Rinkeby testnet (chainID:4).
    Useful for users who don't have a web extension and want to read blockchain informations.

import { useEVM } from "react-ethers"

const Dapp = () => {
  const { methods } = useEVM()


  return <>
    <button onClick={() => methods.launchConnection("injected")}>
      Launch connection with web extension
    <button onClick={() => methods.launchConnection("endpoints")}>
      Launch connection with endpoints

To avoid any conflicts it is better to reload the page if you want to change the connectionType

You can config the default connection type by passing the defaultConnectionType to the EVMContext:

// src/index.js
import { EVMContext } from "react-ethers"

    <EVMContext defaultConnectionType="endpoints" chainId={1}>
      <App />

Connect Web extension

Only on injected connectionType

import { useEVM } from "react-ethers"

const Dapp = () => {
  const { methods, account } = useEVM()


  return <>
    <button onClick={() => methods.loginToInjected()}>
      Connect Metamask
    {account.isLogged ? (
        <p>Connected with {account.address}</p>
        <p>Wallet type: {account.walletType}</p>
        <p>Balance: {account.balance}</p>
        <button onClick={() => console.log(account.signer)}>
            Log signer
      ) : (
        <p>Not connected</p>

Once connected you can access informations from account.

There is no methods to disconnected the wallet, users have to do it directly on the wallet.

Auto refresh

autoRefreshActive is set by default to true, it listen block on the provider and update the state (update balance if account is connected for exemple). You can disable by default in the EVMContext config:

// src/index.js
import { EVMContext } from "react-ethers"

    <EVMContext autoRefresh={false}>
      <App />

Or by using methods.setAutoRefresh:

import { useEVM } from "react-ethers"

const Dapp = () => {
  const { methods, autoRefreshActive } = useEVM()


  return <>
        onClick={() => methods.setAutoRefresh(true)}
        onClick={() => methods.setAutoRefresh(false)}

Switch network

import { useEVM } from "react-ethers"

const Dapp = () => {
  const { methods } = useEVM()


  return <>
      <button onClick={() => methods.switchNetwork(1)}>
        Switch to Mainnet

When the connection is injected this will open the wallet (for Metamask) to confirm the switch of the network. All networks registered (on for exemple) in your web extensions are supported.

With endpoints the page is reloaded on the chosen network. The network should be specified in react-ethers or in the EVMContext configuration:

// src/index.js
import { EVMContext } from "react-ethers"

          name: "Aurora Mainnet",
          chainId: 1313161554,
          blockHeight: 0,
          publicEndpoints: [""],
          explorerUrl: "",
          name: "Aurora Testnet",
          chainId: 1313161555,
          blockHeight: 0,
          publicEndpoints: [""],
          explorerUrl: "",
      <App />

You can provide a list of endpoints in publicEndpoints

Create a void signer

A void signer is a "watch-only" account that cannot sign transaction:

import { useEVM } from "react-ethers"

const Dapp = () => {
  const { methods } = useEVM()


  return <>
      <button onClick={() => methods.createVoidSigner(
        Use "watch-only" account

      <button onClick={() => methods.deleteVoidSigner()}>
        Delete void signer

To create it you should not have any account connected to the dApp (in injected connection) and not have any others void signer created.

Create a contract instance

import { useContract } from "react-ethers"
import contracts from "./contracts.json"

const Dapp = () => {
  const { ropsten } = contracts

  const token = useContract(

  async function read() {
    let supply
    try {
      supply = await token.totalSupply(anyAddress)
    } catch (e) {

  return (
      <button onClick={read}>Log Total Supply</button>

To avoid create multiple instance of your contract, consider using useContract hook in a context or a single component.

API keys

In your .env file you can add several API keys, which INFURA is mandatory if you want to use Wallet Connect, and which can be useful for the performance of your app in read-only.



You can contribute by:

  • using the librairy and report bug
  • share new ideas to improve it
  • fork and pull request


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react-ethers.wallet | 0x2437e49fe22a90565811dceccbe14dce98e9c086


Library to facilitate the use of Ethers.js in a React dApp






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