Garlic Crab (Hotfix 2)
What's Changed
- Add force option to import game
- Update french translation
Bug fixes
- Use app title if FolderName does not exist. (Fixes Fortnite Desktop shortcut creation)
- Fix crash, when launch helper exits
- Check if desktop icons are supported on platform
- Handle exception, when fetching non-asset games: (Fixes \t in app_names)
Note: Origin games won't be accessible on windows
Pull requests
- Fixes for the next release by @loathingKernel in #284
- ImageManager: Check if desktop icons are supported on current plaform by @loathingKernel in #287
- RareCore: Handle exception when fetching non-asset games by @loathingKernel in #290
Full Changelog: 1.10.1...1.10.2