Welcome to the GitHub page for the Rasa Novum Development team.
We're a small development team based in Canada comprised of highschool friends! We currently all attend Simon Fraser University, although funnily enough, none of us are actually Comp Sci majors!
The Rasa Novum Modding project is an extrapolation of our efforts to run a small, private, Minecraft modded server for our friend circles. We felt we had some really solid, unique ideas for the modded Minecraft space, so we decided to take things a step further and start developing our own mods. This was partially because it would allow us more fine control over the integration of mods on our official community server, as well as an attempt to make up for the gaps in coverage that we were finding in the current modded MC landscape. Not everything we were wanting to implement was possible/feasible with the current mods available, hence us deciding to take things into our own hands.
Any official/business contact for us should be through email: [email protected], or through twitter DM: @Rasa_Novum