A fandom word generator that returns random words from various fandoms.
fandom-word allows you to get a randomized word pertaining to any fandom. You can also use it to get a randomized word for a specific fandom.
FandomWord.random_word # returns a word from any fandom category
FandomWord.random_word(fandom_name) # returns a word from a specific fandom
FandomWord.random_word([fandom_name_1, fandom_name_2]) # returns a word from one of the fandoms
FandomWord.fandoms # list fandoms
Available fandoms are defined as constants in FandomWord::Fandoms
- Fork the repo
- Add your fandom word list ( keep it clean or your pull request will be rejected )
- When adding your word list use the following format
:categories: - list - of - applicable - categories :words: - list - of - words
- Make sure all tests are still passing and there is 100% code coverage
- Submit pull request