This is my repository of 3D print related stuff. I opted to not use Thingiverse after at some point I tried and failed to upload some design for a number of times, due to bugs in the platform.
For each 3d model I try to have the Fusion360 file, STL(s) and the 3mf file (so at least the settings that I used when printing it are there).
This is also where I keep paramter packs that I commonly use (like tolerances or dimensions of various components that I often integrate).
These are the exact files I have used so they did work for me, they are not meant for commercial use and I make no guarantee that they will work for you.
Tha various components have various degrees of 'cleanness' and they all are printed with a Prusa MK3S printer.
I assume no responsiblity for anything bad happening as a result of printing these or using the prited parts.