Here you can find a curated set of resources, repositories and events about R for urbanists, created and maintained by the Department of Urbanism at TU Delft.
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Here you can find a curated set of resources, repositories and events about R for urbanists, created and maintained by the Department of Urbanism at TU Delft.
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Forked from Rbanism/geospatial-data-carpentry-tud
This is a repository of the Geospatial Data Carpentry with R workshop which will run in June 2023 at the TU Delft Library.
Live code for the Data Carpentry workshop 05-06/06
This is a repository of the Geospatial Data Carpentry with R workshop which will run in June 2023 at the TU Delft Library.
Livecode public repo for the February 2024 workshop
This is a repository where we maintain the content of the workshop Geospatial Data Carpentry with R for Urbanists. Every run of the workshop should be a fork of this repository.