A modular plugin providing wide variety of utility functionalities, developed with focus on ability to enabling and disabling modules during server operations. Some of the modules were create to solve very specific issues that server owners of servers technically supported by ReModded (eg. Denoria and Terestia) have had.
Main command is /repaperutils
Argument | Description | Permission |
/repaperutils reload | Reload a plugin configuration & all module. | repaperutils.repaperutils |
/repaperutils reload <module> |
Reload a specific module. | repaperutils.repaperutils |
/repaperutils enable <module> |
Enable a specific module. | repaperutils.repaperutils |
/repaperutils disable <module> |
Disable a specific module. | repaperutils.repaperutils |
NOTE: Requires plugins Lands
and PvPManager
to work.
Forbids player in active combat from entering non combat areas.
Executes command on player interaction with block.
actions: # List of block interactions
block: crafting_table # Block to handle interaction with
cancel: true # Do cancel default interaction behaviour
shift: false # Requires shift being pressed
commands: # List of commands to exectute (note: @p will be player)
- say opened crafting
Forbids mob spawners from spawnig mobs.
Disables portals from teleporting players.
Allows to entierly replace specific enchantments. Works during enchantment of an item and can replace already enchanted items.
replaceExisting: false # Do replace echantments on existing items?
enchantments: # Map of enchantment and it replacement
minecraft:sharpness: minecraft:unbreaking
minecraft:protection: minecraft:unbreakin
Forbids specific mobs from spawning.
blacklist: # List of mobs frobiden from spawning
- minecraft:bat
Makes survial a little bit harder
blockAnimalBreading: true, # Blocks breading of animals
blockChickenEggSpawn: true, # Blocks spawnig chickens from thrown eggs
slowCropsGrowth: true, # Slows crop grouth 4x
blockPlantGrowthWithoutSky: true # Makes plant require direct sky access.
Disables Invulnerability flag on players server join.
Controls doMobSpawning
gamerule based on online players count.
worlds: # List of dimmentions that are controlled
- world
onPlayerCount: 40 # Threshold of players bellow witch enable mob spawn.
offPlayerCount: 60 # Threshold of players above witch disable mob spawn.
Forbids brewing potions with specific effect.
potions: # List of forbidden potion effects
- minecraft:instant_health
Allows to create a chests witch loot renews.
Command is /renewablechests
Argument | Description | Permission |
/renewablechests add chest <chestName> <blockPos> |
Creates renewable chest at location. | repaperutils.renewablechests |
/renewablechests add item <chestName> <minAmmount> <maxAmmount> <change> |
Adds a held item to loot table of chest. | repaperutils.renewablechests |
/renewablechests set time <chestName> <hour> <minute> <second> |
Sets a time of chest renewal. | repaperutils.renewablechests |
/renewablechests renew <chestName> |
Instantly renews a chest loot. | repaperutils.renewablechests |
Add command to restart server with delay and bossbar coutdown message.
defaultDelay: 300 # Default restart delay (in seconds)
bossbarMessage: "&b&eRestart in &2{}" # Bossbar countdown message (`{}` will be replaced with left time)
Executes commands at server startup.
delay: 200 # Delay ater startap (in ticks)
commands: # List of commands to execute at startup
- say Server started!!!
Adds a simple commands that can replay with text.
commands: # Map of commands
ping: # Each command is a list of replay messages
- &8Pong
Adds ability to set global potion effect for x seconds.
Command is /timedeffect
Argument | Description | Permission |
/timedeffect list | Lists all active global effects. | repaperutils.timedeffect |
/timedeffect add <effect> <time> [strength] |
Adds global effect for x secound. |
repaperutils.timedeffect |
Adds voucher codes that can be claimed for in game items.
Command is /voucher
Argument | Description | Permission |
/voucher <code> |
Claim voucher code. | repaperutils.voucher |
/voucher add <code> |
Creates voucher code for held item. | repaperutils.voucher.add |
Forbids bilding a wither.