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✨ Implement initial render pass
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Zeta611 committed Jun 25, 2024
1 parent ca9773c commit 7026242
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Showing 7 changed files with 384 additions and 163 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .ocamlformat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
profile = default
version = 0.26.2
wrap-comments = true
59 changes: 41 additions & 18 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,49 @@
open! Base

type 'a t = { f : 'a list; r : 'a list }
module type S = sig
type t
type elt

exception Empty_queue
exception Empty_queue

let empty = { f = []; r = [] }
let is_empty = function { f = []; _ } -> true | _ -> false
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val enqueue : t -> elt -> t
val front : t -> elt
val dequeue : t -> t
val size : t -> int
val to_list : t -> elt list
val fold : t -> init:'acc -> f:('acc -> elt -> 'acc) -> 'acc
val iter : t -> f:(elt -> unit) -> unit

let enqueue q x =
match q with
| { f = []; _ } -> { f = [ x ]; r = [] }
| { f; r } -> { f; r = x :: r }
module M (T : sig
type t
end) : S with type elt := T.t = struct
type elt = T.t
type t = { f : elt list; r : elt list }

let front = function
| { f = []; _ } -> raise Empty_queue
| { f = h :: _; _ } -> h
exception Empty_queue

let dequeue = function
| { f = []; _ } -> raise Empty_queue
| { f = [ _ ]; r } -> { f = List.rev r; r = [] }
| { f = _ :: t; r } -> { f = t; r }
let empty = { f = []; r = [] }
let is_empty = function { f = []; _ } -> true | _ -> false

let size { f; r } = List.(length f + length r)
let to_list { f; r } = f @ List.rev r
let fold q = List.fold (to_list q)
let enqueue q x =
match q with
| { f = []; _ } -> { f = [ x ]; r = [] }
| { f; r } -> { f; r = x :: r }

let front = function
| { f = []; _ } -> raise Empty_queue
| { f = h :: _; _ } -> h

let dequeue = function
| { f = []; _ } -> raise Empty_queue
| { f = [ _ ]; r } -> { f = List.rev r; r = [] }
| { f = _ :: t; r } -> { f = t; r }

let size { f; r } = List.(length f + length r)
let to_list { f; r } = f @ List.rev r
let fold q = List.fold (to_list q)
let iter q = List.iter (to_list q)
219 changes: 154 additions & 65 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,83 +1,172 @@
open! Base
open Syntax

module Env = struct
type 'a t = 'a Id.Map.t
module Path = Util.Map_key (Int)

module rec T : sig
type value =
| Unit
| Int of int
| View_spec of view_spec list
| Clos of clos
| Set_clos of set_clos
| Comp_clos of comp_clos
| Comp_thunk of comp_thunk

and clos = { param : Id.t; body : hook_free Expr.t; env : Env.t }
and set_clos = { label : Label.t; path : Path.t }
and comp_clos = { comp : Prog.comp; env : Env.t }
and comp_thunk = { comp : Prog.comp; env : Env.t; arg : value }
and view_spec = Vs_null | Vs_int of int | Vs_comp of comp_thunk

type phase = P_init | P_update | P_retry | P_effect | P_top
and decision = Idle | Retry | Update
and st_store = St_store.t
and job_q = Job_q.t

and part_view =
| Root
| Node of {
view_spec : view_spec;
dec : decision;
st_store : St_store.t;
eff_q : Job_q.t;

and tree = Leaf_null | Leaf_int of int | Path of Path.t
and entry = { part_view : part_view; children : tree Snoc_list.t }
end =

and Env : sig
type t

val empty : t
val lookup : t -> id:Id.t -> T.value option
val extend : t -> id:Id.t -> value:T.value -> t
end = struct
type t = T.value Id.Map.t

let empty = Id.Map.empty
let lookup env ~id = Map.find env id
let extend env ~id ~value = Map.set env ~key:id ~data:value

module Store = struct
type 'a t = 'a Label.Map.t
and St_store : sig
type t

val empty : t
val lookup : t -> label:Label.t -> T.value * Job_q.t
val update : t -> label:Label.t -> value:T.value * Job_q.t -> t
end = struct
type t = (T.value * Job_q.t) Label.Map.t

let empty = Label.Map.empty
let lookup store ~label = Map.find_exn store label
let update store ~label ~value = Map.set store ~key:label ~data:value

module Tree_path = struct
module T = Int
include T
and Job_q : (Batched_queue.S with type elt := T.clos) = Batched_queue.M (struct
type t = T.clos

include T

module Tree_mem : sig
type t

val empty : t
val lookup_st : t -> path:Path.t -> label:Label.t -> value * Job_q.t
val update_st : t -> path:Path.t -> label:Label.t -> value * Job_q.t -> t
val get_dec : t -> path:Path.t -> decision
val set_dec : t -> path:Path.t -> decision -> t
val enq_eff : t -> path:Path.t -> clos -> t
val alloc_pt : t -> Path.t
val lookup_ent : t -> path:Path.t -> entry
val update_ent : t -> path:Path.t -> entry -> t
end = struct
type t = entry Path.Map.t

let empty = Path.Map.empty

let lookup_st tree_mem ~path ~label =
let { part_view; _ } = Map.find_exn tree_mem path in
match part_view with
| Root -> failwith "lookup_st: Root"
| Node { st_store; _ } -> St_store.lookup st_store ~label

let update_st tree_mem ~path ~label (v, q) =
let ({ part_view; _ } as entry) = Map.find_exn tree_mem path in
match part_view with
| Root -> failwith "update_st: Root"
| Node ({ st_store; _ } as node) ->
let st_store = St_store.update st_store ~label ~value:(v, q) in
Map.set tree_mem ~key:path
~data:{ entry with part_view = Node { node with st_store } }

let get_dec tree_mem ~path =
let { part_view; _ } = Map.find_exn tree_mem path in
match part_view with
| Root -> failwith "set_dec: Root"
| Node { dec; _ } -> dec

let set_dec tree_mem ~path dec =
let ({ part_view; _ } as entry) = Map.find_exn tree_mem path in
match part_view with
| Root -> failwith "set_dec: Root"
| Node node ->
Map.set tree_mem ~key:path
~data:{ entry with part_view = Node { node with dec } }

let enq_eff tree_mem ~path clos =
let ({ part_view; _ } as entry) = Map.find_exn tree_mem path in
match part_view with
| Root -> failwith "enq_eff: Root"
| Node ({ eff_q; _ } as node) ->
let eff_q = Job_q.enqueue eff_q clos in
Map.set tree_mem ~key:path
~data:{ entry with part_view = Node { node with eff_q } }

let alloc_pt = Map.length
let lookup_ent tree_mem ~path = Map.find_exn tree_mem path
let update_ent tree_mem ~path ent = Map.set tree_mem ~key:path ~data:ent

module Value = struct
type t = value

module Map = struct
open Map
include M (T)
let equal v1 v2 =
match (v1, v2) with
| Unit, Unit -> true
| Int i1, Int i2 -> i1 = i2
| _, _ -> false

let empty = empty (module T)
let ( = ) = equal
let ( <> ) v1 v2 = not (v1 = v2)
let to_int = function Int i -> Some i | _ -> None

let to_vs = function
| Unit -> Some Vs_null
| Int i -> Some (Vs_int i)
| Comp_thunk t -> Some (Vs_comp t)
| _ -> None

let to_vss = function View_spec vss -> Some vss | _ -> None
let to_clos = function Clos c -> Some c | _ -> None

module Job_q = Batched_queue

type value =
| Unit
| Int of int
| View_spec of view_spec list
| Clos of clos
| Set_clos of set_clos
| Comp_clos of comp_clos
| Comp_thunk of comp_thunk

and clos = { param : Id.t; body : hook_free Expr.t; env : env }
and set_clos = { label : Label.t; path : path }
and comp_clos = { comp : Prog.comp; env : env }
and comp_thunk = { comp : Prog.comp; env : env; arg : value }
and view_spec = Vs_null | Vs_int of int | Vs_comp of comp_thunk
and env = value Env.t
and phase = P_init | P_update | P_retry | P_effect
and node_ctx = { decision : decision; st_store : st_store; tree_mem : tree_mem }
and decision = Idle | Retry | Update
and st_store = (value * job_q) Store.t
and job_q = clos Job_q.t

and part_view = {
view_spec : view_spec;
decision : decision;
st_store : st_store;
eff_q : job_q;

and tree =
| Leaf of tree_val
| Node of { part_view : part_view; children : path list }

and tree_val = Leaf_null | Leaf_int of int
and tree_mem = tree option Tree_path.Map.t
and path = Tree_path.t

let empty_env : env = Env.empty
let empty_st_store : st_store = Store.empty
let empty_tree_mem : tree_mem = Tree_path.Map.empty
let empty_setq : job_q = Job_q.empty
let empty_effq : job_q = Job_q.empty

let equal v1 v2 =
match (v1, v2) with
| Unit, Unit -> true
| Int i1, Int i2 -> i1 = i2
| _, _ -> false

let ( = ) = equal
let ( <> ) v1 v2 = not (equal v1 v2)
module Phase = struct
type t = phase

let equal p1 p2 =
match (p1, p2) with
| P_init, P_init
| P_update, P_update
| P_retry, P_retry
| P_effect, P_effect
| P_top, P_top ->
| _, _ -> false

let ( = ) = equal
let ( <> ) p1 p2 = not (p1 = p2)

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