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Inventory Service Tags explanation

Ben Lubar edited this page Feb 23, 2023 · 10 revisions

Inventory Service Tags translations are for the Steam Community website to show items. They are not used by the game.

See for how the admin UI looks.

The 8-item list at the start of the file is how the Steam Community displays items with per-item tags, like Strange items with an accessory attached.

The first three rarities are straightforward:

  • Common is easy to get.
  • Uncommon takes some effort.
  • Rare is very difficult to get (like winning a month-long contest).

The remaining rarities are special:

  • Legendary is for things that go beyond playing the game like creating art.
  • Genuine is for items purchased with real money (donation medals, etc.)
  • Strange is a potential future item rarity that will track a stat, much like TF2's Strange item rarity.

Slot is where an item can be equipped. Currently the only inventory item equip slot is Medal, but there may be more added in the future.

Item IDs

Item IDs are divided into ranges for ease of management:

  • 000000XXX: automated and community medals
  • 000001XXX: (possible future addition) marine suits
  • 000002XXX: (possible future addition) primary and secondary weapons
  • 000003XXX: (possible future addition) extra (off-hand) weapons
  • 000004XXX: (possible future addition) crafting items
  • 000005XXX: (possible future addition) "strange" rarity tag tools
  • 000006XXX: (possible future addition) "strange" rarity generators
  • 000007XXX: (possible future addition) playtime item generators
  • 100000XXX: map stamp donations
  • 900000XXX: unique medals (contest winners, developer joke medals, etc)