Copyright 2016 ReactorScram
Licensed under the GNU Affero AGPLv3
Takes a sequence of strings
Returns a table mapping from a string to a Unit of the same string
All the standard Lua math operators are overloaded for Units:
Add, substract, multiply, divide, modulo, and power.
Power only works if the resulting dimensions are integral,
e.g. taking the square root of a square meter results in a meter,
but taking the square root of a meter throws an error.
Multiplying or dividing a Unit by another Unit or by a Lua number results in a
new Unit with the expected values and dimensions.
Units can only be added or subtracted if they have the same dimensions,
otherwise an error is thrown.
__tostring is overloaded too, so Units can be printed.
However, there is no concept of plurals, so the results are not
grammatically correct. e.g. "65 miles / hours"