A collection of python scripts that solve interesting problems.
async_sched.py - A asynchronous scheduler implemented using coroutines, in principle similar to Tornado's ioloop
config_parser.py - My implementation of python standard library's ConfigParser module
dancing_links.py - My implementation of Dr. Knuth's dancing links algorithm, with a demo to solve N-Queen problem
disjoint_set.py - Disjoint set is a very important data structure, this is my naive implementation
fileinput.py - My implementation of python standard library's fileinput module
go_repl.py - A REPL for golang, support executing Go statements with instant feedback
html_template.py - A simple html template engine, supporting similar syntax as Django template language
lisp.py - A Lisp parser implemented in python, inspired by Peter Novig's essay
memento.py - Very elegant memento design pattern impl, copied from activestate recipes
patch_module.py - Patch python modules lazily, only when they are imported
quine.py - A python script to print itself
rpc.py - Simplistic RPC for python
timeit.py - My partial implementation of standard library's timeit module
emojify - Render an image with emoji's based on the colors in original image
web_terminal - A remote console from a web browser
online_judge - A OJ system like leetcode, with a small problemset, supporting only python solutions
image_crawler - A web image crawler written based on Tornado
http_server - A basic http server supporting static files/wsgi apps/proxying