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Planned Units

RealityStop edited this page May 3, 2018 · 7 revisions

Null Check (variant)

Boolean out null check, with both a True and False output node

Change Detect

On Variable Changed

(Silence) units

Random Number List

Enter (flow)
Input Values:
Start (int) -- random number range START Stop (int) -- random number range END Index Limit (int) -- Total number of random numbers needed Unique (bool checkbox) -- The numbers in the list must be unique (so you can't have 5 zeroes, 2 ones, etc). If Unique (or you find another reason to do this check): Start + Stop >= Index Limit = Possible to generate the list of numbers. Start + Stop < Index Limit = Impossible to generate the list of numbers (exit, do not attempt to generate a list, but at least give back an empty list). Concept Description: Perform a loop until you have a list count of "Index Limit" consisting of "unique" random numbers between Start and Stop.(edited)

Example Usage:
Start: 0,
Stop: 13,
Index Limit: 4
Unique: True (checkbox) I should receive back a list of 4 numbers randomized and unique between 0 and 13.(edited)

Why do I need this?
The concept is being used for "Memory Match". I have 13 animals, and 8 cards to flip. I want to choose 4 random animals (hence, Start "0" - Stop "13"), (hence: Index Limit "4") -- then I can iterate the list of indexes from my output and put 2 animals randomly in the 8 squares.... The 8 squares is context for needing 4 random animals, because if I am matching 2 animals at a time, I need 4 animals to create 8 animal squares.


  • Transform Set Position to Other Transform
  • Transform Child Exists
  • Transform Child Get by Index
  • Transform Child Set Enable Disable
  • Give Rect Size to Parent
  • Flow Once
  • Max Loop Protection
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