A hardware implementation of the DryGASCON algorithm that allows for parameterization in the code for any size of message. GASCON referering to a Generalized ASCON and Dry refering to the Dry Sponge construction which is derived from the Duplex Sponge construction. The goal of this project is to implement this algorithm with a variety of HDLs, written to allow for customization of every component.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Project at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
- Robert Herndon
- Daniel Heer
- Rafed El-Issa
- Mohamed El-Hadedy: Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering department, College of Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.
1. Wen-Mei Hwu: Director of Center for Cognitive Computing Systems Research and Walter J. Sanders III-AMD Endowed Chair Professor in Elecrical and Computer Engineering at UIUC
2. Jinjun Xiong: Director of Center for Cognitive Computing Systems Research and Adjunct Research Professor at UIUC
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