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Upgrade go version #1042

Upgrade go version

Upgrade go version #1042

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.
# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by
# separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support
# documentation.
# The default values used in the docker build commands are the root
# directory '.' and the dockerfile name of 'Dockerfile'. If there is
# a need to change these do so in your local workflow template (this file) and
# change them there. HINT: Look at the bottom of this file.
# This workflow checks out code, builds an image, performs a container image
# vulnerability scan with Anchore's Grype tool, and generates an
# SBOM via Anchore's Syft tool
# For more information on Anchore's container image scanning tool Grype, see
# For more information about the Anchore SBOM tool, Syft, see
name: ConsoleDot Platform Security Scan
branches: [ "master", "security-compliance" ]
# The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
branches: [ "master", "security-compliance" ]
uses: RedHatInsights/platform-security-gh-workflow/.github/workflows/platsec-security-scan-reusable-workflow.yml@master
## The optional parameters below are used if you are using something other than the
## the defaults of root '.' for the path and 'Dockerfile' for the Dockerfile name.
## Additionally, if you have a Dockerfile you use as your BASE_IMG or you need to
## use '--build-arg', those can be define below as well.