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C++23 embedded experiments

This project was started as an experiment. The main goal is to create hi-level, memory-safe zero-cost abstractions using modern C++23. This repository is not intended to transform into a library but rather be a collection of experiments that will eventually become a solid baggage of experience (which will hopefully lead me to a point where I can start designing a modern C++ framework for microcontrollers).

This project is at it's very early stage. Things may be brutally rewritten, reorganized without any remorse.

MCU selected for this experiment

I have decided to use RP2040 from the Raspberry Pi as a main microcontroller for this experiment. It was a rather difficult (but necessary) choice because the RP2040 is not easy to use when it comes to real bare metal programming. Mainly because it has a complicated boot method due to the lack of built-in flash memory. This significantly raised the entry barrier.

Everything you see in this repository is a result of real bare metal programming in C++23. Everything is written from scratch without any external dependencies. I mean everything... Including linker scripts, memory map and even bootloader.

Things that are up and running as for today:

  • booting from the external flash memory using hand-written bootloader (stage #2),
  • running the system at 125MHz:
    • configuring a crystal oscillator (XOSC),
    • configuring PLLs,
    • configuring all system clocks (clk_gpout{0..3}, clk_ref, clk_sys, clk_peri, clk_usb, clk_adc, clk_rtc),
  • configuring a watchdog timer,
  • configuring timers,
  • sending/receiving data with UART,
  • configuring GPIOs,
  • configuring PWMs.

Take a look at examples/ for a list of working examples.


// (cut)
int main()
    gpio::pin<platform::pins::gpio25> led0;

    // Prepere descriptor for the selected interface
    constexpr auto descriptor =
      hd44780::interfaces::gpio4_bit{.register_select = platform::pins::gpio16,
                                     .enable = platform::pins::gpio17,
                                     .data4 = platform::pins::gpio18,
                                     .data5 = platform::pins::gpio19,
                                     .data6 = platform::pins::gpio20,
                                     .data7 = platform::pins::gpio21};

    // Define your LCD hardware layout
    constexpr auto configuration = hd44780::configuration{
      .columns = 16, .lines = 2, .font_size = hd44780::font::font_5x8};

    // Get type of the driver based on your descriptor and configuration
    using lcd =
      hd44780::hd44780<hd44780::interface_for<descriptor>, configuration>;


    // Initialize both MCU interface (in this case - the GPIOs) and the LCD
    // itself

    lcd::soft_puts("Hello world");
    lcd::cursor_goto(0, 1);

    while (true) {
// (cut)

Basic assumptions and goals

The final library/framework should comply with the following assumptions:

Security first

It must be hard (or impossible) to use the framework wrong. This can be achieved by using strong types and concepts extensively.

In the C programming world - It is very common to fall into a trap and mix bits or registers. For example, given the following C code for the AVR microcontroller:

void adc_start_conversion() {
    ADCSRB |= (1 << ADSC); 

The above function was supposed to start the analog-to-digital conversion, but instead will force the ADC multiplexer to select the negative input to the analog comparator. All because of the fact that the programmer mixed the ADCSRA and ADCSRB registers.

We can easily avoid this kind of errors, C++23 comes with a handy tools which may help: std::is_scoped_enum and std::to_underlying.

Ensure correctness

As it comes to correctness - we already have plenty of great tools built right into the C++. By using constexpr, consteval and static_assert - we can provide bit-level correctness for all abstractions.

No preprocessor

I think we came into the point where we do not need any preprocessor directives - we can replace them all with constexpr, consteval and a bit of metaprogramming.

Note: To be fair, the only one preprocessor directive you may see in the codebase is #include - this is due to lack of full support for modules in both Meson build system and GCC.

Absolute no dependencies

The final library/framework should not use any dependencies at all, not even headers provided by the CPU vendors.

This is to enforce maximum security and ensure that the library/framework will be fully controlled by the end users.

This is the absolute opposite of what Rust community is doing all over the place (using a library/framework will almost always lead to downloading gazillion of dependencies).

True zero-cost abstractions

The library must use a true, instruction-level test system to ensure maximum performance.

This can be achieved by compiling dedicated tests with -ffunction-sections and -fdata-sections and comparing each section of the resulting binaries with a predefined set of expected instructions.

Universal access to registers

The library must provide a universal way to work with registers. Both for MCU's registers and registers of external devices.

I already provided a working proof-of-concept which looks like this:

using gpio_oe = rw_reg<addrs::sio_base, 0x020>;
using gpio_oe_set = rw_reg<addrs::sio_base, 0x024>;
using gpio_oe_clr = rw_reg<addrs::sio_base, 0x028>;
using gpio_oe_xor = rw_reg<addrs::sio_base, 0x02c>;

The user can access these registers with static functions:

registers::gpio_oe_set::set_value(1 << 5);

Or create a higher level abstractions around it:

gpio::pin<pins::gpio25> led0;

The following C++23 features may be helpful:

Multidimensional subscript operator (P2128R6)

The P2128R6 and 2589R0 papers may allow us to define a multidimensional subscript operator (operator[](auto... bits)). As a result, we may use the following syntax to access registers:

registers::gpio_oe[bits::bit1, bits::bit2, bits::bit5] = 1;
registers::gpio_oe[bits::bit1, bits::bit2, bits::bit5] = state::high;

// or simpler:
registers::gpio_oe[1, 2, 5] = 1;

Reusable device drivers

Device drivers must by provided in a form which will be reusable across many different CPU architectures and many different communication methods, thus they need to be written as "what to do" rather than "how to do it".

For example, the common HD44780 LCD controller may be connected to software-controlled GPIOs or via an I2C converter or even to a dedicated MCU's peripheral designed to interface with parallel memory modules.

The "ideal" situation will be to provide a driver with the following interface:

constexpr auto interface_descriptor = interface::gpio::for<drivers::lcd::hd44780>{
    .mode = drivers::lcd::hd44780::four_bits,
    .register_select = platform::pins::gpio10,
    .read_write = platform::pins::gpio11,
    .enable = platform::pins::gpio12,
    .data0 = platform::pins::gpio13,
    .data1 = platform::pins::gpio14,
    .data2 = platform::pins::gpio15,
    .data3 = platform::pins::gpio16,

drivers::lcd::hd44780 main_lcd{interface::gpio, interface_descriptor};
drivers::lcd::hd44780 second_lcd{interface::i2c,
                                    // i2c parameters

std::print(main_lcd, "Hello world...");
std::print(second_lcd, "Hello world again...");

Convenient input/output

The library must provide a seamless integration with the great std::print (see P2093R14), for example:

std::print(uart0, "Hello world from the microcontroller! My CPUID is: {}", platform::cpuid);

Code-completion friendly

The library must be developer-friendly, thus all types, globals, function names must use suitable prefixes to allow developer to use the library without digging into the documentation. For example use m_member prefix instead of member_ postfix while working with member variables.

Build system

The library must use modern, bloat-free build system. My favourite one is Meson.


The project must be built using the Mesons's cross build environment.

To build the project, use the following command:

$ meson setup --cross-file cross/armv6-m/rp2040.txt build/
$ meson compile -C build/

The above commands will build all the examples by default.


Examples are ready to be flashed to the Raspberry Pi Pico board. In order to generate firmware images (UF2) for the Pico - you will need to convert the elf files into the uf2 files. I have implemented the tool specificly for this job. You can download it here.

I have prepared the build system in such a way that UF2 files will be automatically generated as soon as the regalis-pico-bin2uf2 program is in your PATH.

Things to do after installing regalis-pico-bin2uf2

The only thing to is to reconfigure your build directory with meson setup --reconfigure build/ and to run meson compile -C build one again.

Happy hacking!