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Wingtips - zipkin-spring-boot

Wingtips is a distributed tracing solution for Java based on the Google Dapper paper.

This module is a plugin extension module of the core Wingtips library and contains support for distributed tracing in a Spring Boot environment with Zipkin integration.

Usage Examples


  • The Wingtips Spring Boot sample project shows these features in action.
  • The wingtips-zipkin module readme contains more details on the core Wingtips-with-Zipkin integration features.
  • All of the features of the wingtips-spring module are relevant to a Spring Boot project as well - please see that module's readme for more info on its features.
  • More details can be found in the javadocs for the various classes found in this wingtips-zipkin-spring-boot module.

Utilizing WingtipsWithZipkinSpringBootConfiguration in a Spring Boot application to configure and setup Wingtips tracing with Zipkin integration

Ensure that the following @Configuration gets registered in your Spring Boot app's ApplicationContext:

public class MyAppSpringConfig {

And specify configuration from your Spring Boot app's (note that all properties are optional except wingtips.zipkin.base-url, which is required if you want the Zipkin integration to work):

# General Wingtips config

# Zipkin integration config for Wingtips

Feature details

This wingtips-zipkin-spring-boot module contains the following features/classes:

  • WingtipsWithZipkinSpringBootConfiguration - A Spring @Configuration bean that uses @EnableConfigurationProperties to pull in WingtipsZipkinProperties (described below) and uses those properties to set up the following Wingtips-with-Zipkin features:
    • Registers a WingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener with Wingtips' Tracer so that Wingtips spans are automatically sent to your Zipkin server as they are completed.
    • This class itself does a @Import(WingtipsSpringBootConfiguration.class), so all the config features defined in the wingtips-spring-boot readme are automatically supported here. The usage example above shows that support via the wingtips.wingtips-disabled, wingtips.user-id-header-keys, and wingtips.span-logging-format properties which are specific to WingtipsSpringBootConfiguration. The remaining wingtips.zipkin.* properties are specific to WingtipsWithZipkinSpringBootConfiguration.
  • WingtipsZipkinProperties - The Spring Boot @ConfigurationProperties companion for WingtipsWithZipkinSpringBootConfiguration (described above) that allows you to customize some Wingtips-with-Zipkin integration behaviors from your Spring Boot application's properties files. See the Spring Boot sample application's for a concrete example. The following properties are supported:
    • wingtips.zipkin.zipkin-disabled - Disables registering WingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener with Wingtips if and only if this property value is set to true. If false or missing then WingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener will be registered normally (as long as wingtips.zipkin.base-url is specified).
    • wingtips.zipkin.base-url - (REQUIRED) The base URL of the Zipkin server to send Wingtips spans to. This is the only property that is required for WingtipsWithZipkinSpringBootConfiguration to be able to setup the Zipkin integration - if this is missing then WingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener will not be registered. See the Zipkin quickstart page for info on how to easily setup a local Zipkin server for testing (can be done with a single docker command).
    • wingtips.zipkin.service-name - The name of this service, used when sending Wingtips spans to Zipkin. See the wingtips-zipkin readme for details on how this service name is used. If you don't set this property then "unknown" will be used.
    • wingtips.zipkin.local-component-namespace - The Zipkin local component namespace for local-only spans, used when sending Wingtips spans to Zipkin. See the wingtips-zipkin readme for details on how this local component namespace is used. If you don't set this property then "unknown" will be used.

For general Wingtips information please see the base project