A free and open source, easy to use ingame (debug)-console for the Godot Engine
Read the DOCUMENTATION.md file in addons/GDConsole to find out how to use the Console
You can just drag and drop this addon into your project. It has everything a ingame console needs and is easily costumizeable. It comes with a predefined set of commands which are a exsample for you to understand how to create your own one.
- command processing and executeing (with arguments)
- independent command scripts (one script = one command)
- easy command adding and editing
- basic console features:
- history (ui_up, ui_down)
- toggle (ui_toggle_console)
- predefined BBcode _formats()
Setup ingame
Just drag and drop the scene into your game!
You can toggle it with "ui_toggle_console".
You may want to uncomment Console.gd --> func _ready(): #self.hide so the console isn't shown by default
Please send me your own adjustments to the console (Pull Request) so we can make a better experience for everyone!