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docs: add '🔧' label to fixable rules
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Rel1cx committed Nov 17, 2024
1 parent 5ddf3c4 commit f299774
Showing 5 changed files with 25 additions and 25 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/plugins/eslint-plugin-react-dom/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -59,6 +59,6 @@ export default [
| `no-namespace` | Enforces the absence of a `namespace` in React elements. | ✔️ | | |
| `no-render-return-value` | Prevents usage of the return value of `ReactDOM.render`. || | |
| `no-script-url` | Prevents usage of `javascript:` URLs as the value of certain attributes. | 🔒 | | |
| `no-unknown-property` | Prevents usage of unknown DOM property. | ✔️ | | |
| `no-unknown-property` | Prevents usage of unknown DOM property. | ✔️ | | 🔧 |
| `no-unsafe-iframe-sandbox` | Enforces `sandbox` attribute for `iframe` elements is not set to unsafe combinations. | 🔒 | | |
| `no-unsafe-target-blank` | Prevents usage of `target="_blank"` without `rel="noreferrer noopener"`. | 🔒 | | |
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions packages/plugins/eslint-plugin-react-hooks-extra/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ export default [

| Rule | Description | 💼 | 💭 | |
| :------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| `no-direct-set-state-in-use-effect` | Disallow direct calls to the `set` function of `useState` in `useEffect`. | ✔️ | | 📐 |
| `no-direct-set-state-in-use-effect` | Disallow direct calls to the `set` function of `useState` in `useEffect`. | ✔️ | | |
| `no-redundant-custom-hook` | Warns when custom Hooks that don't use other Hooks. | ✔️ | | |
| `no-unnecessary-use-callback` | Disallow unnecessary usage of `useCallback`. | ✔️ | | 📐 |
| `no-unnecessary-use-memo` | Disallow unnecessary usage of `useMemo`. | ✔️ | | 📐 |
| `no-unnecessary-use-callback` | Disallow unnecessary usage of `useCallback`. | ✔️ | | |
| `no-unnecessary-use-memo` | Disallow unnecessary usage of `useMemo`. | ✔️ | | |
| `prefer-use-state-lazy-initialization` | Warns function calls made inside `useState` calls. | 🚀 | | |
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions packages/plugins/eslint-plugin-react-x/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ export default [

| Rule | Description | 💼 | 💭 | |
| :--------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| `avoid-shorthand-boolean` | Prevents using shorthand syntax for boolean attributes. | 🎨 | | |
| `avoid-shorthand-boolean` | Prevents using shorthand syntax for boolean attributes. | 🎨 | | 🔧 |
| `avoid-shorthand-fragment` | Prevents using shorthand syntax for fragments. | 🎨 | | |
| `ensure-forward-ref-using-ref` | Requires that components wrapped with `forwardRef` must have a `ref` parameter. | ✔️ | | |
| `jsx-no-duplicate-props` | Prevents duplicate props in JSX. | ✔️ | | |
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ export default [
| `no-unused-state` | Warns unused class component state. | ✔️ | | |
| `no-useless-fragment` | Prevents using useless `fragment` components or `<>` syntax. | ✔️ | | |
| `prefer-destructuring-assignment` | Enforces using destructuring assignment over property assignment. | 🎨 | | |
| `prefer-react-namespace-import` | Enforces using `React` namespace import over default import. | 🎨 | | 🔧 |
| `prefer-read-only-props` | Enforce read-only props in components. | ✔️ | 💭 | |
| `prefer-shorthand-boolean` | Enforces using shorthand syntax for boolean attributes. | 🎨 | | |
| `prefer-shorthand-boolean` | Enforces using shorthand syntax for boolean attributes. | 🎨 | | 🔧 |
| `prefer-shorthand-fragment` | Enforces using shorthand syntax for fragments. | 🎨 | | |
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@

### as

> `readonly` **as**: `OptionalSchema`\<`StringSchema`\<`undefined`\>, `undefined`\>
> `readonly` **as**: `OptionalSchema`\<`StringSchema`\<`undefined`\>, `never`\>
### attributes

@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@
### selector

> `readonly` **selector**: `OptionalSchema`\<`StringSchema`\<`undefined`\>, `undefined`\>
> `readonly` **selector**: `OptionalSchema`\<`StringSchema`\<`undefined`\>, `never`\>
33 changes: 16 additions & 17 deletions website/pages/docs/rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,21 +9,20 @@
- 🐞 - Debug
- 📖 - Convention
- 🔒 - Security
- 🚀 - Performance
- 🤔 - Pedantic
- 🤯 - Complexity
- 🧐 - Suspicious
- 🚀 - Performance
- 🆕 - New
- 🚧 - WIP
- 📐 - Strict
- 🗑️ - Deprecated
- 💭 - Requires Type Information
- 🔧 - Fixable
- 🗑️ - Deprecated
- 🚧 - WIP

## Core Rules

| Rule | Description | 💼 | 💭 | |
| :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| [`avoid-shorthand-boolean`](avoid-shorthand-boolean) | Prevents using shorthand syntax for boolean attributes. | 🎨 | | |
| [`avoid-shorthand-boolean`](avoid-shorthand-boolean) | Prevents using shorthand syntax for boolean attributes. | 🎨 | | 🔧 |
| [`avoid-shorthand-fragment`](avoid-shorthand-fragment) | Prevents using shorthand syntax for fragments. | 🎨 | | |
| [`ensure-forward-ref-using-ref`](ensure-forward-ref-using-ref) | Requires that components wrapped with `forwardRef` must have a `ref` parameter. | ✔️ | | |
| [`jsx-no-duplicate-props`](jsx-no-duplicate-props) | Prevents duplicate props in JSX. | ✔️ | | |
@@ -34,12 +33,12 @@
| [`no-children-for-each`](no-children-for-each) | Prevents using `Children.forEach`. || | |
| [`no-children-map`](no-children-map) | Prevents using ``. || | |
| [`no-children-only`](no-children-only) | Prevents using `Children.only`. || | |
| [`no-children-prop`](no-children-prop) | Prevents using `children` as a prop. || | 📐 |
| [`no-children-prop`](no-children-prop) | Prevents using `children` as a prop. || | |
| [`no-children-to-array`](no-children-to-array) | Prevents using `Children.toArray`. || | |
| [`no-class-component`](no-class-component) | Prevents using class component. || | |
| [`no-clone-element`](no-clone-element) | Prevents using `cloneElement`. || | |
| [`no-comment-textnodes`](no-comment-textnodes) | Prevents comments from being inserted as text nodes. | 🧐 | | |
| [`no-complex-conditional-rendering`](no-complex-conditional-rendering) | Prevents complex conditional rendering in JSX. | 🤯 | | 📐 |
| [`no-complex-conditional-rendering`](no-complex-conditional-rendering) | Prevents complex conditional rendering in JSX. | 🤯 | | |
| [`no-component-will-mount`](no-component-will-mount) | Prevents using `componentWillMount`. || | |
| [`no-component-will-receive-props`](no-component-will-receive-props) | Prevents using `componentWillReceiveProps`. || | |
| [`no-component-will-update`](no-component-will-update) | Prevents using `componentWillUpdate`. || | |
@@ -67,9 +66,9 @@
| [`no-unused-state`](no-unused-state) | Warns unused class component state. | ✔️ | | |
| [`no-useless-fragment`](no-useless-fragment) | Prevents using useless `fragment` components or `<>` syntax. | ✔️ | | |
| [`prefer-destructuring-assignment`](prefer-destructuring-assignment) | Enforces using destructuring assignment over property assignment. | 🎨 | | |
| [`prefer-react-namespace-import`](prefer-react-namespace-import) | Enforce React is imported via a namespace import | 🎨 | | |
| [`prefer-react-namespace-import`](prefer-react-namespace-import) | Enforce React is imported via a namespace import | 🎨 | | 🔧 |
| [`prefer-read-only-props`](prefer-read-only-props) | Enforces read-only props in components. | ✔️ | 💭 | |
| [`prefer-shorthand-boolean`](prefer-shorthand-boolean) | Enforces using shorthand syntax for boolean attributes. | 🎨 | | |
| [`prefer-shorthand-boolean`](prefer-shorthand-boolean) | Enforces using shorthand syntax for boolean attributes. | 🎨 | | 🔧 |
| [`prefer-shorthand-fragment`](prefer-shorthand-fragment) | Enforces using shorthand syntax for fragments. | 🎨 | | |

## DOM Rules
@@ -80,12 +79,12 @@
| [`dom/no-dangerously-set-innerhtml-with-children`](dom-no-dangerously-set-innerhtml-with-children) | Prevents `DOM element` using `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` and `children` at the same time. | ✔️ | | |
| [`dom/no-dangerously-set-innerhtml`](dom-no-dangerously-set-innerhtml) | Prevents `DOM element` using `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`. | 🔒 | | |
| [`dom/no-find-dom-node`](dom-no-find-dom-node) | Prevents using `findDOMNode`. || | |
| [`dom/no-missing-button-type`](dom-no-missing-button-type) | Enforces explicit `type` attribute for `<button>` elements. | ✔️ | | 📐 |
| [`dom/no-missing-button-type`](dom-no-missing-button-type) | Enforces explicit `type` attribute for `<button>` elements. | ✔️ | | |
| [`dom/no-missing-iframe-sandbox`](dom-no-missing-iframe-sandbox) | Enforces explicit `sandbox` attribute for `iframe` elements. | 🔒 | | |
| [`dom/no-namespace`](dom-no-namespace) | Enforces the absence of a `namespace` in React elements. | ✔️ | | |
| [`dom/no-render-return-value`](dom-no-render-return-value) | Prevents using the return value of `ReactDOM.render`. || | |
| [`dom/no-script-url`](dom-no-script-url) | Prevents using `javascript:` URLs as the value of certain attributes. | 🔒 | | |
| [`dom/no-unknown-property`](dom-no-unknown-property) | Prevents using unknown `DOM` property | 🧐 | | |
| [`dom/no-unknown-property`](dom-no-unknown-property) | Prevents using unknown `DOM` property | 🧐 | | 🔧 |
| [`dom/no-unsafe-iframe-sandbox`](dom-no-unsafe-iframe-sandbox) | Enforces `sandbox` attribute for `iframe` elements is not set to unsafe combinations. | 🔒 | | |
| [`dom/no-unsafe-target-blank`](dom-no-unsafe-target-blank) | Prevents using `target="_blank"` without `rel="noreferrer noopener"`. | 🔒 | | |

@@ -102,11 +101,11 @@

| Rule | Description | 💼 | 💭 | |
| :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| [`hooks-extra/no-direct-set-state-in-use-effect`](hooks-extra-no-direct-set-state-in-use-effect) | Disallow direct calls to the `set` function of `useState` in `useEffect`. | ✔️ | | 📐 |
| [`hooks-extra/no-direct-set-state-in-use-layout-effect`](hooks-extra-no-direct-set-state-in-use-layout-effect) | Disallow direct calls to the `set` function of `useState` in `useLayoutEffect`. | ✔️ | | 📐 |
| [`hooks-extra/no-direct-set-state-in-use-effect`](hooks-extra-no-direct-set-state-in-use-effect) | Disallow direct calls to the `set` function of `useState` in `useEffect`. | ✔️ | | |
| [`hooks-extra/no-direct-set-state-in-use-layout-effect`](hooks-extra-no-direct-set-state-in-use-layout-effect) | Disallow direct calls to the `set` function of `useState` in `useLayoutEffect`. | ✔️ | | |
| [`hooks-extra/no-redundant-custom-hook`](hooks-extra-no-redundant-custom-hook) | Warns when custom Hooks that don't use other Hooks. | ✔️ | | |
| [`hooks-extra/no-unnecessary-use-callback`](hooks-extra-no-unnecessary-use-callback) | Disallow unnecessary usage of `useCallback`. | ✔️ | | 📐 |
| [`hooks-extra/no-unnecessary-use-memo`](hooks-extra-no-unnecessary-use-memo) | Disallow unnecessary usage of `useMemo`. | ✔️ | | 📐 |
| [`hooks-extra/no-unnecessary-use-callback`](hooks-extra-no-unnecessary-use-callback) | Disallow unnecessary usage of `useCallback`. | ✔️ | | |
| [`hooks-extra/no-unnecessary-use-memo`](hooks-extra-no-unnecessary-use-memo) | Disallow unnecessary usage of `useMemo`. | ✔️ | | |
| [`hooks-extra/prefer-use-state-lazy-initialization`](hooks-extra-prefer-use-state-lazy-initialization) | Warns function calls made inside `useState` calls. | 🚀 | | |

## Naming Convention Rules
@@ -124,5 +123,5 @@
| :----------------------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------- | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| [`debug/class-component`](debug-class-component) | Reports all class components. | 🐞 | | |
| [`debug/function-component`](debug-function-component) | Reports all function components. | 🐞 | | |
| [`debug/hook`](debug-react-hooks) | Reports all react hooks. | 🐞 | | |
| [`debug/hook`](debug-hook) | Reports all react hooks. | 🐞 | | |
| [`debug/is-from-react`](debug-is-from-react) | Reports all identifiers that are initialized from React. | 🐞 | | |

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