- Introduction
- Requirements
- Usage
A tool to extract thematic structures in a discrete data collection.
Dr.Blei gives an example (see original paper). Words in the following text are organized in four topics
LDA is a generative probabilistic topic model.
- A topic is a distribution over the vocabulary
- A document is a distribution over topics
- Both distributions are generated by dirichlet processes
Analyze topic coherence and topic distance by various methods
- Similarity
- Coherence
- Language: Python 2.7
- Gensim: A Python library for topic Modeling
- NLTK: Natural Language Toolkit
- NumPy: A Python package for scientific computing
- Matplotlib: A Python 2D plotting library
Topic Class - A topic is represented by a list of (word, probability value) tuples
i.e. [(“a”,0.3), (“b”, 0.5)....]
TopicIO Class - Read and write topics
MySentenceStemmer Class - Stemming and Lemmatizing tokens
MyTextPreProcess Class
- Remove stop words
- Keep tokens with letters, hyphens/numbers in letters, abbreviations
- DirDocTokenizer Class - Assume the input corpus is a directory and each file is a document
- FileDocTokenizer Class - Assume the input corpus is a file and each line is a document
- Main Methods
- a. Orig
- Tokenize the corpus and keep tokens with letters, hyphens/numbers in letters and abbreviations
- Also return a list of doc name
- b. Preprocess
- Tokenize the corpus
- Lemmatize and Stem each token
- Keep tokens with letters, hyphens/numbers in letters and abbreviations
- Also return a list of doc name
- a. Orig
dt=DirDocTokenizer() doc_list, token_list = dt.orig(src) doc_list, token_list = dt.preprocess(src)
- Similarity: include six similarity/distance measurements between topics
# Assume t1, t2 are two topics sim = Similarity() bha_dist_t1_t2 = sim.bha_distance(t1, t2)
- SimTopicLists Measure similarity values between each pair of topics in two topic lists.
""" Assume t_list1, t_list2 are two topic lists t_list1 contains t1_0, t1_1, t1_2 t_list2 contains t2_0, t2_1, t2_2 Output distance 2D list: [[sim(t1_0,t2_0), sim(t1_0, t2_1), sim(t1_0, t2_2)], [sim(t1_1,t2_0), sim(t1_1, t2_1), sim(t1_1, t2_2)], [sim(t1_2,t2_0), sim(t1_2, t2_1), sim(t1_2, t2_2)]] """ sim = SimTopicLists() bha_dist_t1_t2 = sim.bha_distance(t1, t2)
- umass - Calculate co-occurrence based topic coherence
- Based on bow corpus
- Based on tfidf corpus
- wn - WordNet-based coherence methods
- umass - Calculate co-occurrence based topic coherence
- Prepare for dictionary and corpus files
$python lda_process.py lda_dir(default src_LDA) corpus_type num_of_topics alpha eta
* Preprocessing Output Directory: pp_src
* Default LDA Directory: src_LDA
* For a raw corpus, lda_prepare.py generates
* a) Dictionary file dict.dict
* b) Three types of corpus files - tfidf, bow, binary
* tfidf_corpus.mm, tfidf_corpus.mm.index
* bow_corpus.mm, bow_corpus.mm.index
* binary_corpus.mm, binary_corpus.mm.index
- Run LDA
$python lda_process.py lda_dir(default src_LDA) corpus_type num_of_topics alpha eta
* lda_process.py performs a specific LDA and save it to the LDA directory
* Output these two files in the lda_dir
* <corpus_type>_t<num_of_topics>.lda
* <corpus_type>_t<num_of_topics>.lda.index
* i.e. tfidf_t3.lda, tfidf_t3.lda.index
- Analyze data
$python lda_analyze.py lda_dir(default src_LDA) corpus_type num_of_topics src alpha eta
* Output Topics: /topics folder
* Document-topic matrix
* unsorted_doc_topics.txt
* sorted_doc_topics.txt
* Topic-document matrix: td_cluster.txt
* Topic-word matrix: words_in_topics.txt
* Output topics - sort words by probability differences: /topics_wp
For each word - probability difference is defined as (P(w) in the topic - P(w) in the corpus)
python sim_write.py <corpus_type> <num_of_topics> <src>
Output 5 files in the output directory LDA__<corpus_type>_t<num_of_topics>
- sim_jaccard.txt
- sim_kendall.txt
- sim_cosine.txt
- sim_kl.txt
- sim_bha.txt
Since coherence calculation often takes a long time, it is separated by two programs.
One program writes individual word pair contributions to output files, and one program uses those output files to calculate coherence.
Co-occurrence Based Coherence
Write: Output two files in the LDA folder - src_LDA
python coh_tc_write.py test_LDA <LDA folder><corpus_type> <num_of_topics> <src> <words_count><start_index><tfidf_or_not>
- For Bow TC
- Document Frequency: wdoc_freq_<corpus_type>_t<topics_count>_start<start_index>.txt
- Co-occurrence Frequency: cofreq_<corpus_type>_t<topics_count>_start<start_index>.txt
- i.e. wdoc_freq_tfidf_t3_start0.txt, cofreq_tfidf_t3_start0.txt
- For Tfidf TC (parameter <tfidf_or_not> == “t”)
- Document Frequency: wdoc_freq_tfidf_<corpus_type>_t<topics_count>_start<start_index>.txt
- Co-occurrence Frequency: cofreq_tfidf_<corpus_type>_t<topics_count>_start<start_index>.txt
- i.e. wdoc_freq_tfidf_tfidf_t3_start0.txt, cofreq_tfidf_tfidf_t3_start0.txt
- For Bow TC
python coh_tc_read.py test_LDA <corpus_type> <num_of_topics> <src><words_count><start_index><tfidf_or_not>
Output two files in the output directory LDA__<corpus_type>_t<num_of_topics>
- top_topics_<words_count>.txt i.e. top_topics_5.txt
Topic coherence values and words with top probabilities in each topic
tr_freq_<words_count>.txt i.e. tc_freq_5.txt
Contribution of each pair of words in the coherence value
WordNet-Based Coherence
python coh_wn_write.py test_LDA <corpus_type> <num_of_topics> <src><wn_methods><need_ic_or_not><words_count><start_index>
Output two file in the output directory LDA__<corpus_type>_t<num_of_topics>
- "zeros_" + tc + "_w" + str(words_count) + ".txt"
All word pairs that results in zero similarity values
"pre_" + te + "_w" + str(max_words) + ".txt"
Similarity values between each word pair in the sub-topic
python coh_wn_read.py test_LDA <corpus_type> <num_of_topics> <src><wn_methods><words_count><max_words><start_index>
<max_words> refer to <words_count> used in the coh_wn_write.py
Output one file in the output directory LDA__<corpus_type>_t<num_of_topics>
- /wn_methods/w0<words_count>_start.txt