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Chat events

SinZ163 edited this page Sep 2, 2013 · 1 revision

#How to use Chat Events on Renol IRC Bot

##Add a new function which will be executed on chat messages:["chat"].addEvent("ID of Function", Function)

Optionaly, you can pass on a list of channels on which the 
function should operate, e.g.:
``["chat"].addEvent("ID of Function", Function, ["#minecraft", "#mcdevs"])``
NOTE: The event function will be executed regardless of whether
the channel in which the message was received exists in the channel list.

Exceptions: Exceptions are raised in the following cases:
  •    function is not callable: TypeError
  •    FunctionID is already taken: EventAlreadyExists
  •    Channel is not False or a list: TypeError

##When defining the function, it should look like this: def chatEvent(self, channels, userdata, message, currChannel): The function takes the arguments self, channels, userdata, message and currChannel.

-   self is the commandHandler instance, it is necessary for using some functions
    of Renol, e.g. the sendChatMessage function.
-   channels is a list of the channels on which the function should operate.
    If the list wasn't defined, channel will be False.
-   userdata is a dictionary containing the name, ident and host of
    the user who wrote the message. You can access them with
    userdata["name"], userdata["ident"] and userdata["host"],
-   message is a string containing the message sent by a user,
    either directly or through a channel.
-   currChannel is the channel on which the message was received.
    If the message was sent to the bot privately, currChannel will be False.

##You can check if a Function ID is already in use or not with this:["chat"].doesExist("ID of Function") False is returned if it doesn't exist, True is returned if it does exist.

##To remove a event function, you can use the following method:["chat"].removeEvent("ID of Function") A KeyError is raised if the function does not exist.

##Add and remove channels from a event function using the following methods:["chat"].addChannel("ID of Function", channel)["chat"].removeChannel("ID of Function", channel)

  • Both methods raise a KeyError if the Function ID does not exist.
  • addChannel raises a ChannelAlreadyExists exception if the channel already exists.
  • channel needs to be a string, you can add one channel at a time right now.

##Get all the channels of a event function using the following method:["chat"].getChannels("ID of Function") An empty list or a list of strings representing the channels you added will be returned.

##Additional Notes: Use self.retrieveTrueCase(channel) to get the true case of a channel name. If the channel exists, a string will be returned with the correct case of the channel name. The channel needs to be prefixed with a # or another channel symbol. If the channel doesn't exist, False is returned.

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