Welcome to Toony Standard, a toon shader with some standard elements built mainly for VRChat!
- Toon shading with custom ramps.
- Fake light fallbacks for VRChat worlds without a directional light.
- Rim light and emissive rim light.
- Support for both metallic and specular workflows, with the possibility to substitute the specular probe with your own matcap or cubemap.
- Anisotropic highlights.
- Detail mapping.
- Fully custom inspector made to make your life as easy as possible.
- Different levels of inspector with different feature sets based on the end user experience with unity.
- Different styles for your inspector.
- Auto updater.
(to modify some of these options you can go to the settings window on "window/Toony standard/setting")
Even if directly downloading the zip should work fine, i suggest you to download the shader from the release page, this is to be sure to have it installed in an easy to find path, and also cause i tend to add some starting matcap textures and toon ramps into the unity package that are not available from the github auto generated zip.
- Download page: https://github.com/Cibbi/Toony-standard/releases
- Official wiki: https://github.com/Cibbi/Toony-standard/wiki
- Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/Cibbi