Reviaco OS is the first universal operating system which will be able to run most of apps of most of platforms in addition to its native apps which will be hand-free controllable and its multi language APIs and its fully new AI algorithms.....!!!
It can run:
Windows win32 apps using WineHQ Windows Compatibility Layer.
Linux apps using the native Linux libraries including Ubuntu Touch apps.
MAC OSX CLI basic tools using DarlingHQ.
Android, Blackberry, LG WebOS and Tizen apps using their emulators shipped with their official SDKs.
Chrome apps using Chrome Web browser.
Reviaco OS is generally based on Web languages ( HTML, CSS, JS, PHP ) and it can interact with Linux using exec() PHP commands & NodeJS modules and it can control the windows positions and behaviors using wmctrl and xdotool.
It's based on the latest testing version of Linux 4.x running on Ubuntu and its GUI will be shown in Google Chrome Browser running in Kiosk mode in a X server session
Anyone can join developing Reviaco, just what he/she need is send us a message on our FB page to show him/her the instructions of developing Reviaco......!!! :)
Anyone has the permissions to modify Reviaco, but doesn't have any permissions to share these modifications anywhere except on Reviaco Official repo on Github.
Reviaco is completely free for personal use only, but Businesses which use Reviaco must pay 1% of their earnings to share the benefit.