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I create an app using react native as front-end and firebase as backend with real-time chat, push notif, etc features (BWA tutorial)

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I create an app using react native as front-end and firebase as backend with real-time chat, push notif, etc features (BWA tutorial)

Setup untuk running untuk android :

  1. Setup react-native CLI environment seperti di website
  2. Jalankan command npm install
  3. Buat emulator di android studio
  4. Jika sudah terinstall react-native-cli di device, jalankan command react-native run-android. Jika belum command npx react-native run-android.
  5. Jika emulator tidak terbuka, Buka android studio, buka bagian AVD dan jalankan emulator yang tersedia, kemudian kembali ke step 4.

Setup untuk running untuk ios :

  1. Setup react-native CLI environment seperti di website
  2. Jalankan command npm install
  3. Jalankan command cd ios
  4. Jalankan command pod install
  5. Jika sudah terinstall react-native-cli di device, jalankan command react-native run-ios. Jika belum command npx react-native run-ios.
  6. Untuk dijalankan di specifik simulator yang tersedia, command nya react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 8"

Command untuk build release android :

  1. Jalankan command react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/
  2. Jalankan command cd android
  3. Untuk windows jalankan command gradlew assembleRelease, untuk unix jalankan command ./gradlew assembleRelease
  4. Hasil release apk nya ada di path android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/[namaAplikasi].apk


I create an app using react native as front-end and firebase as backend with real-time chat, push notif, etc features (BWA tutorial)






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