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berr: better errors for go

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berr is an errors package that provides simple functions for creating more descriptive errors.

go get

Why berr

When handling errors in Go you typically encounter either the standard library error (a string for all intents and purposes), or a custom error struct tailored for a specific use case. The berr package sits in between, providing general purpose error structures that provide more descriptive errors with minimal configuration, with a host of options for creating really powerful errors.

The berr Way

  1. Errors need to serve the needs of different audiences, audiences with often conflicting interests (E.g. developers vs. end-users of APIs and Applications). When creating a berr.Error, provide a message that is safe and valuable to end-users, and add berr.Attachment structures to provide additional context relevant for those different audiences. Berr provides detail, metadata, and error attachments. The detail attachment is not sensitive, and intended for providing additional context to end-users, while metadata and error attachments are sensitive (e.g. intended for developers / debugging).

  2. Errors should be sensitive by default, and not reveal or leak sensitive information (sensitive attachments) without an explicit call to do so. berr.Error.String() will output the error type and the message it was initially suplied with, while berr.Error.Error() will output the berr.Error.String() in addition to the output of .Error() on the next error (if one exists). A JSON rendering of a berr.Error model will only expose the message, error type, and attachments that are not sensitive (e.g. detail attachments).

  3. Additional error information should be readily available. If you would like to access metadata, it is available on the berr.Error struct with the .Metadata() method, and will also be output with the .FullMap() method.

Creating berr.Error Models

  • berr.New(errorType berr.ErrorType, message string, details ...berr.Attachment) berr.Error
  • berr.Application(message string, details ...berr.Attachment) berr.Error
  • berr.Authentication(message string, details ...berr.Attachment) berr.Error
  • berr.Authorization(message string, details ...berr.Attachment) berr.Error
  • berr.NotFound(message string, details ...berr.Attachment) berr.Error
  • berr.ValueInvalid(message string, details ...berr.Attachment) berr.Error
  • berr.ValueMissing(message string, details ...berr.Attachment) berr.Error
  • berr.Unimplemented(message string, details ...berr.Attachment) berr.Error
  • berr.Timeout(message string, details ...berr.Attachment) berr.Error

Error Types

  • berr.ApplicationErrorType
  • berr.AuthenticationErrorType
  • berr.AuthorizationErrorType
  • berr.NotFoundErrorType
  • berr.ValueInvalidErrorType
  • berr.ValueMissingErrorType
  • berr.UnimplementedErrorType
  • berr.TimeoutErrorType

Getting Information from a berr.Error

  • Error.Type() ErrorType
  • Error.Message() string
  • Error.Details() map[string]any
  • Error.Metadata() map[string]any
  • Error.Code() int
  • Error.Map() map[string]any
  • Error.FullMap() map[string]any
  • Error.Unwrap()


Better errors Go library







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