Enterprise project with simple Blog, Category managment, CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) in "Servicios" & contact form
- Template Tags
- {% for %}
- {% if %}
- {% url %}
- {% block %}
- {% static %}
- {% csrf_token %}
- Filters
- |slice
- |date
- |linebreaks
- |safe
- Django models
- Relation one to one ForeignKey
- Relation many to many
- Users from Django contributions Auth model
- Django Admin
- Context processors
- Django-ckeditor for admin
- Django request special variable
- Django forms
- Mailtrap for email testing
This project uses my personal stack to work:
- Django - Python Web Framework
- Divio cloud - Web platform to deploy projects easily
- Docker - Like virtual environment for Django project
- Git and Github - Version control
$ docker-compose up
# Go to