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H3Net Api H3Index
An H3Index is, internally, a readonly 64 bit unsigned long integer wrapped in a readonly struct that has a handful of derivable properties. A breakdown of the bits can be found at [https://h3geo.org/docs/core-library/h3indexing].
Being a readonly type, its value can only be changed via assignment. There are direct mutater assignments available, as well as a fluid interface for chaining assignments together.
Constructor plus assignment
H3Index h3 = new H3Index();
h3 = h3.SetResolution(12);
Constructor with fluid assignment
H3Index h3 = new H3Index().SetResolution(12);
Information provided at this point is non-comprehensive. Further information can be found in the source code.
H3Index() - Will result in an H3Index that is considered invalid.
H3Index(ulong number) - Undetermined result, depends on each of the bits.
H3Index(int res, int baseCell, int initDigit) - Much higer odds of creating a valid H3Index, depending on the values. There are still combinations that are invalid due to how pentagons work.
- res - Resolution, should be 0 to 15 inclusive.
- baseCell - base cell the H3Index is on, should be 0 to 121 inclusive
- initDigit - should be a value from 0 to 6 inclusive
For all practical putposes, let other data types or the Uber API create your H3Index values.
- Value - The actual 64 bit unsigned long.
- Resolution - Wheat resolution the cell is in
- BaseCell - What the base cell is the cell is on.
- LeadingNonZeroDigit - The highest resolution non-sero digit of the cell.
- IsPentagon - if the cell is a pentagon or not
- Mode - Whether the H3Index is a cell or a directed edge.
- HighBit - The value of the highest bit in the H3Index
- ReservedBits - the value of the reserved bits with the lowest bit shifted to 2^0
- IsResClassIii - Indicates if the cell is in a resolution known as Claa III.
The following methods are attached and available to an H3Index. Using a function on the wrong mode will produce unpredictable results.
- decimal CellAreaKm2() - Exact area of a specific cell in square kilometers
- decimal CellAreaM2() - Exact area of a specific cell in square meters
- decimal CellAreaRads2() - Exact area of a specific cell in square radians
- bool IsBeighborTo(H3Index cell) - indicates if the cell parameter is a neighbor sharing an edge
- H3Index UniDirectionalEdgeTo(H3Index neighbor) - Returns a Unidirectional edge that goes from the originating cell to the neighbor cell.
- H3Index[] GetUniEdgesFromCell() - Returns an array of edges originating from the cell to all of its neighbors.
- GeoBoundary ToGeoBoundary() - Returns a GeoBoundary that contains the vertices that make up the cell. As a cell may overlap more than one face, there exists the possibility that additional vertices will be added between the main corner points of a pentagon or hexagon.
- List<H3Index> KRing(int k) - Generates a ring of hexagons that is k radius away from the cell, with a k value of 0 indicating only the origin cell.
- Dictionary<H3Index, int> KRingDistances(int k) - Returns a dictionary of cells within k distance, with the KeyValuePair being an H3Index cell in range, and the value being its distance from the origin.
- Tuple<int, List<H3Index>> HexRange(int k) - Item1 of the tuple being 0 means it worked correctly. Item2 of the tuple will have a list of H3Index cells within k distance.
- Tuple<int, List<H3Index>> HexRing(int k) - Item1 of the tuple being 0 means it worked correctly. Item2 Will be the H3Index cells that make up the hollow "ring" of heagons k distance away from the origin cell.
- Tuple<int, List<H3Index>> LineTo(H3Index destination) - Item1 of the tuple being 0 means it worked correctly. Item2 returns a "line" of connecting cells from the origin to the destination.
- int LineSize(H3Index destination) - Returns how many cells the line connecting from the origin to the destination will be.
- int DistanceTo(H3Index destination) - If the distance is not too far, or there's no pentagon to cross, this will determine how far away another cell is.
- Tuple<int, CoordIj> ToLocalIjExperimental(H3Index h3) - This provides the CoordIj location of the h3 Index in relation to the origin cell being used as a reference point.
- H3Index ToParent(int res) - Returns a courser resolution (res) cell that this cell is "under".
- List<H3Index> ToChildren(int res) - Returns the collection of finer resolution (res) cells that are "under" the origin cell.
- long MaxH3ToChildrenSize(int res) - Returns the amount of children that will result from ToChildren().
- H3Index ToCenterChild(int res) - Returns the center child of the given hexagon at the specified resolution
- decimal EdgeLengthKM() - Exact length of a unidirectional edge in kilometers
- decimal EdgeLengthM() - Exact length of a unidirectional edge in meters
- decimal EdgeLengthRads() - Exact length of a uniderectional edge in radians
- bool IsValidUniEdge() - Indicates if the unidirectional edge is valid
- H3Index OriginFromUniDirectionalEdge() - Returns the originating cell of an edge
- H3Index DestinationFromUniDirectionalEdge() - Returns the destination cell of an edge
- Tuple<H3Index, H3Index> GetH3IndexesFromUniEdge() - Returns a tuple containing the orgin cell and the destination cell
- GeoBoundary UniEdgeToGeoBoundary() - Provides the coordinates that define the edge