Experiments with Kafka serialization schemes
Apache Avro was has been the defacto Kafka serialization mechanism for a long time. Confluent just updated their Kafka streaming platform with additioinal support for serializing data with Protocol buffers (or protobuf) and JSON Schema serialization.
Protobuf is especially cool, and offers up some neat opportunities beyond what was possible in Avro. The inclusion of Protobuf and JSON Schema applies at producer and consumer libraries, schema registry, Kafka connect, ksqlDB along with Control Center.
So why bother with serializing structured data? Let's start with an example data string ... cookie,50,null
. What does this data mean? Is cookie a name, a place or something to eat? And what about 50 - is this an age, a temperature or something else?
If you were using a database (such as Postgres or Oracle) to store your data you would create a table definition (with nicely named columns and appropriate data types). The same is true for your streaming platform - you really should pick data format for serializing structured data. Bonus points for and being consistent across your data platform!
Until recently your choices for serializing structured data within Kafka were limited. You had "bad" choices (such as free text or CSV) or the "better" choice of using Apache Avro. Avro is an open source data serialization system which marshals your data (and it's appropriate schema) to a efficient binary format. One of the core features of Avro is the ability to define a schema for our data. So our data cookie,50,null
would be associated with a snack Avro schema like this
"type": "record",
"name": "snacks",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string" }
, {"name": "calories", "type": "float" }
, {"name": "colour", "type": "string", "default": null}
Here we can see our data cookie,50,null
is snack data (the most important type of data). We can see cookie is a string representing the name of the snake. Our schema offers us a lot of flexibility (our schema can evolve over time) plus ensures data integrity (for example, ensuring calories are integers ).
Although most of Apache Kafka users use Apache Avro to define contracts for their messages, it's always been a bit of a "Java thing". Classes automatically generated by the Apache Avro compiler favor JVM developers. You can certainly use AVRO in pretty much any language, however, Google Protocol Buffer (protobuf) is very popular for serializing, deserializing and validating data in other languages (Python, Rust, Ruby, Go).
This isn't a blog on the "best" serialization strategy. However, let's get familiar with how we can use new choices for serializing structured data
Our initial set of yummy data looks like this
{"name": "cookie", "calories": 500, "colour": "brown"}
{"name": "cake", "calories": 260, "colour": "white"}
{"name": "timtam", "calories": 80, "colour": "chocolate"}
Let's remind ourselves how to encode our snacks using AVRO serialization. We'll use the include command line tool kafka-avro-console-producer
as a Kafka producer which can perform serialization (with a schema provided as a command line parameter). A producer is something that writes data into a Kafka broker.
kafka-avro-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic SNACKS_AVRO --property value.schema='
"type": "record",
"name": "myrecord",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string" }
, {"name": "calories", "type": "float" }
, {"name": "colour", "type": "string" }
}' < snacks.txt
And to read the data, we can use the kafka-avro-console-consumer
command line application to act as kafka consumer to read and de-serializing our AVRO data
kafka-avro-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic SNACKS_AVRO --from-beginning
This time we'll use protobuf serialization with the new kafka-protobuf-console-producer
kafka producer. The concept is similar to to approach we took with AVRO, however this time our Kafka producer will can perform protobuf serialization. Note the protobuf schema is provided as a command line parameter.
kafka-protobuf-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic SNACKS_PROTO --property value.schema='
message Snack {
required string name = 1;
required int64 calories = 2;
optional string colour = 3;
}' < snacks.txt
And to read the data, we can use the kafka-protobuf-console-consumer
kafka consumer for de-serializing our protobuf data
kafka-protobuf-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic SNACKS_PROTO --from-beginning
Finally we'll use JSON Schema serialization with the new kafka-json-schema-console-producer
kafka producer. Note the json-schema schema is provided as a command line parameter.
kafka-json-schema-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic SNACKS_JSONSCHEMA --property value.schema='
"definitions" : {
"record:myrecord" : {
"type" : "object",
"required" : [ "name", "calories" ],
"additionalProperties" : false,
"properties" : {
"name" : {"type" : "string"},
"calories" : {"type" : "number"},
"colour" : {"type" : "string"}
"$ref" : "#/definitions/record:myrecord"
}' < snacks.txt
And to read the data, we can use the kafka-json-schema-console-consumer
kafka consumer for de-serializing our json-schema data
kafka-json-schema-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic SNACKS_JSONSCHEMA --from-beginning
You may have wondered where the schemas actually went in the above examples? The Confluent Schema Registry has been diligently storing these schemas (as part of the serialization process when using kafka-blah-console-producer). That is, both the schema name (eg., SNACKS_PROTO-value), schema content, version and style (protobuf, Avro) have all been stored. We can peak at the stored schema with curl
. For example, to explore the recently used protobuf schema for our snacks
curl -s -X GET http://localhost:8081/subjects/SNACKS_PROTO-value/versions/1
Which responds the this snack schema (yummy)
"subject": "SNACKS_PROTO-value",
"version": 1,
"id": 6,
"schemaType": "PROTOBUF",
"schema": "\nmessage Snack {\n required string name = 1;\n required int64 calories = 2;\n required string colour = 3;\n}\n"
Let's have a look at a more complex modeling example to illustrate some of the possibilities with Protobuf schemas. Imagine we want to model a meal and describe the ingredients within the meal. We can use a protobuf schema to describe a meal such as a taco is composed of beef filling and cheese topping.
Our data for a taco and fish-and-chips meal could look like this
"name": "tacos",
"item": [
"item_name": "beef",
"type": "FILLING"
"item_name": "cheese",
"type": "TOPPING"
}, {
"name": "fish and chips",
"alternate_name": "fish-n chips",
"item": []
An example protobuf schema to represent our meals would look like this
message Meal {
required string name = 1;
optional string alternate_name = 2;
enum FoodType {
message MealItems {
required string item_name = 1;
optional FoodType type = 2 [default = INGREDIENT];
repeated MealItems item = 4;
To try this modeling with protobuf in Kafka
kafka-protobuf-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic MEALS_PROTO --property value.schema='
message Meal {
required string name = 1;
optional string alternate_name = 2;
enum FoodType {
message MealItems {
required string item_name = 1;
optional FoodType type = 2 [default = INGREDIENT];
repeated MealItems item = 4;
}' < meals.txt
Which gives you an idea of how flexible data representation can be using protobuf in Kafka. But what happens if we need to make changes to these schemas?
As the saying goes - the only constant is change. Any good data platform needs to accommodate changes - such as additions or changes to a schema. Supporting schema evolution is a fundamental requirement for a streaming platform, so our serialization mechanism also needs to support schema changes (or evolution). Protobuf and Avro both offer mechanisms for updating schema without breaking downstream consumers - which could still be using a previous schema version.
Tacos and pizza's sound great - but let's have something to drink with our meal! We can now add some additional attributes to our schema to include meals. This is sometimes called schema evolution. Note we'll continue to use the existing MEALS_PROTO
A new data payload (with the inclusion of beer)
"name": "pizza",
"drink": [
"drink_name": "beer",
"type": "ALCOHOLIC"
kafka-protobuf-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic MEALS_PROTO --property value.schema='
message Meal {
required string name = 1;
optional string alternate_name = 2;
enum FoodType {
enum DrinkType {
message MealItems {
required string item_name = 1;
optional FoodType type = 2 [default = INGREDIENT];
message DrinkItems {
required string drink_name = 1;
optional DrinkType type = 2 ;
repeated MealItems item = 4;
repeated DrinkItems drink = 5;
}' < meals-2.txt
One nice inclusion with the Confluent Control Center (the Web GUI included in the Confluent platform) is the ability to look at schemas, and the differences between schemas. For example, we can see version 1 and version 2 of the MEALS_PROTO-value
Let us now build an application demonstrating protobuf classes. To generate protobuf classes you must first install the protobuf compiler protoc
. See the protocol buffer docs for instructions on installing and using protoc.
protoc -I=. --python_out=. ./meal.proto
This will create the meal_pb2.py
Python class file. You can now build protobuf classes and produce into Kafka with code like this
import meal_pb2
mybeer = Meal.DrinkItems(drink_name="beer")
mywine = Meal.DrinkItems(drink_name="wine")
meal = Meal(name='pizza', drink=[mybeer,mywine])
producer.produce(topic='MEAL_PROTO', value=meal)
Have a look at producer-protobuf.py for a complete example of protobuf Kafka producer in Python.
virtualenv myenv
. ./myenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Kafka continues to grow in capabilities, and having the options of AVRO, Protobuf, JSON Schema use within the Confluent Platform gives even more opportunities to build cool streaming applications The code for these examples available at https://github.com/saubury/kafka-serialization