vectorbt is a backtesting library on steroids - it operates entirely on pandas and NumPy objects, and is accelerated by Numba to analyze time series at speed and scale 🔥
In contrast to conventional libraries, vectorbt represents any data as nd-arrays. This enables superfast computation using vectorized operations with NumPy and non-vectorized but compiled operations with Numba. It also integrates and ipywidgets to display complex charts and dashboards akin to Tableau right in the Jupyter notebook. Due to high performance, vectorbt is able to process large amounts of data even without GPU and parallelization (both are work in progress), and enable the user to interact with data-hungry widgets without significant delays.
With vectorbt you can
- Analyze time series and engineer features
- Supercharge pandas and your favorite tools to run much faster
- Test many trading strategies, configurations, assets, and time ranges in one go
- Test machine learning models
- Build interactive charts/dashboards without leaving Jupyter
pip install vectorbt
See Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab Support for Plotly figures.
You can start backtesting with just a couple of lines.
Here is how much profit we would have made if we invested $100 into Bitcoin in 2014 and held (Note: first time compiling with Numba may take a while):
import vectorbt as vbt
price ='BTC-USD', period='max')['Close']
portfolio = vbt.Portfolio.from_holding(price, init_cash=100)
The crossover of 10-day SMA and 50-day SMA under the same conditions:
fast_ma =, 10)
slow_ma =, 50)
entries = fast_ma.ma_above(slow_ma, crossover=True)
exits = fast_ma.ma_below(slow_ma, crossover=True)
portfolio = vbt.Portfolio.from_signals(price, entries, exits, init_cash=100)
Quickly assessing the performance of 1000 random strategies on BTC and ETH:
import numpy as np
symbols = ["BTC-USD", "ETH-USD"]
price_by_symbol =, period='max', cols='Close')
price =, treat_missing='drop')
n = np.random.randint(10, 101, size=1000).tolist()
portfolio = vbt.Portfolio.from_random(price, n=n, init_cash=100, seed=42)
mean_expectancy = portfolio.trades.expectancy().groupby(['rand_n', 'symbol']).mean()
fig = mean_expectancy.unstack().vbt.scatterplot(xaxis_title='rand_n', yaxis_title='mean_expectancy')
For fans of hyperparameter optimization, here is a snippet for testing 10000 window combinations of a dual SMA crossover strategy on BTC, USD and LTC:
symbols = ["BTC-USD", "ETH-USD", "LTC-USD"]
price_by_symbol =, period='max', cols='Close')
price =, treat_missing='drop')
windows = np.arange(2, 101)
fast_ma, slow_ma = vbt.MA.run_combs(price, window=windows, r=2, short_names=['fast', 'slow'])
entries = fast_ma.ma_above(slow_ma, crossover=True)
exits = fast_ma.ma_below(slow_ma, crossover=True)
portfolio_kwargs = dict(size=np.inf, fees=0.001, freq='1D')
portfolio = vbt.Portfolio.from_signals(price, entries, exits, **portfolio_kwargs)
fig = portfolio.total_return().vbt.heatmap(
x_level='fast_window', y_level='slow_window', slider_level='symbol', symmetric=True,
trace_kwargs=dict(colorbar=dict(title='Total return', tickformat='%')))
Digging into each strategy configuration is as simple as indexing with pandas:
portfolio[(10, 20, 'ETH-USD')].stats()
Start 2015-08-07 00:00:00
End 2021-02-09 00:00:00
Duration 2010 days 00:00:00
Init. Cash 100
Total Profit 852058
Total Return [%] 852058
Benchmark Return [%] 62649.5
Position Coverage [%] 55.4229
Max. Drawdown [%] 70.735
Avg. Drawdown [%] 11.8845
Max. Drawdown Duration 760 days 00:00:00
Avg. Drawdown Duration 29 days 07:23:04.615384615
Num. Trades 48
Win Rate [%] 54.1667
Best Trade [%] 1075.8
Worst Trade [%] -29.5934
Avg. Trade [%] 47.5687
Max. Trade Duration 80 days 00:00:00
Avg. Trade Duration 22 days 02:00:00
Expectancy 6687.62
SQN 1.90991
Gross Exposure 0.554229
Sharpe Ratio 2.23221
Sortino Ratio 3.95263
Calmar Ratio 5.89963
Name: (10, 20, ETH-USD), dtype: object
portfolio[(10, 20, 'ETH-USD')].plot().show()
It's not all about backtesting - vectorbt can be used to facilitate financial data analysis and visualization. Let's generate a GIF for comparing %B and bandwidth of Bollinger Bands for different symbols:
import imageio
from tqdm import tqdm
symbols = ["BTC-USD", "ETH-USD", "ADA-USD"]
gif_delta, gif_step, gif_fps = 90, 3, 3
gif_fname = 'bbands.gif'
price_by_symbol =, period='6mo', cols='Close')
price =, treat_missing='drop')
bbands =
def plot(bbands):
fig = vbt.make_subplots(
rows=5, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True,
row_heights=[*[0.5 / 3] * len(symbols), 0.25, 0.25], vertical_spacing=0.05,
subplot_titles=(*symbols, '%B', 'Bandwidth'))
fig.update_layout(template=vbt.settings.dark_template, showlegend=False, width=750, height=650)
for i, symbol in enumerate(symbols):
bbands.close[symbol].vbt.lineplot(add_trace_kwargs=dict(row=i + 1, col=1), fig=fig)
trace_kwargs=dict(zmin=0, zmid=0.5, zmax=1, colorscale='Spectral', colorbar=dict(
y=(fig.layout.yaxis4.domain[0] + fig.layout.yaxis4.domain[1]) / 2, len=0.2
)), add_trace_kwargs=dict(row=4, col=1), fig=fig)
y=(fig.layout.yaxis5.domain[0] + fig.layout.yaxis5.domain[1]) / 2, len=0.2
)), add_trace_kwargs=dict(row=5, col=1), fig=fig)
return fig
with imageio.get_writer(gif_fname, fps=gif_fps) as writer:
for i in tqdm(range(0, len(bbands.wrapper.index) - gif_delta, gif_step)):
fig = plot(bbands.iloc[i:i + gif_delta])
fig_np = imageio.imread(fig.to_image(format="png"))
100%|██████████| 31/31 [00:21<00:00, 1.21it/s]
While there are many other great backtesting packages for Python, vectorbt is more of a data science tool: it excels at processing performance and offers interactive tools to explore complex phenomena in trading. With it you can traverse a huge number of strategy configurations, time periods and instruments in little time, to explore where your strategy performs best and to uncover hidden patterns in data.
Take a simple Dual Moving Average Crossover strategy as example. By calculating the performance of each reasonable window combination and plotting the whole thing as a heatmap (as we do above), we can analyze how performance depends upon window size. If we additionally compute the same heatmap over multiple time periods, we may observe how performance varies with downtrends and uptrends. Finally, by running the same pipeline over other strategies such as holding and trading randomly, we can compare them and decide whether our strategy is worth executing. With vectorbt, this analysis can be done in minutes and save time and cost of getting the same insights elsewhere.
vectorbt combines pandas, NumPy and Numba sauce to obtain orders-of-magnitude speedup over other libraries. It natively works on pandas objects, while performing all computations using NumPy and Numba under the hood. This way, it is often much faster than pandas alone:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import vectorbt as vbt
>>> big_ts = pd.DataFrame(np.random.uniform(size=(1000, 1000)))
# pandas
>>> %timeit big_ts.expanding().max()
48.4 ms ± 557 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
# vectorbt
>>> %timeit big_ts.vbt.expanding_max()
8.82 ms ± 121 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
In contrast to most other similar backtesting libraries where backtesting is limited to simple arrays (price, signals, etc.), vectorbt is optimized for working with multi-dimensional data: it treats index of a DataFrame as time axis and columns as distinct features that should be backtest, and performs computations on the entire matrix at once, without slow Python loops.
To make the library easier to use, vectorbt introduces a namespace (accessor) to pandas objects (see extending pandas). This way, user can easily switch between pandas and vectorbt functionality. Moreover, each vectorbt method is flexible towards inputs and can work on both Series and DataFrames.
- Extends pandas using a custom
accessor -> Compatible with any library - For high performance, most operations are done strictly using NumPy and Numba -> Much faster than comparable operations in pandas
# pandas
>>> %timeit big_ts + 1
242 ms ± 3.58 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
# vectorbt
>>> %timeit big_ts.vbt + 1
3.32 ms ± 19.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
- Functions for combining, transforming, and indexing NumPy and pandas objects
- NumPy-like broadcasting for pandas, among other features
# pandas
>>> pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) + pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3]])
0 1 2
0 2 4 6
# vectorbt
>>> pd.Series([1, 2, 3]).vbt + pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3]])
0 1 2
0 2 3 4
1 3 4 5
2 4 5 6
- Compiled versions of common pandas functions, such as rolling, groupby, and resample
# pandas
>>> %timeit big_ts.rolling(2).apply(np.mean, raw=True)
7.32 s ± 431 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
# vectorbt
>>> mean_nb = njit(lambda col, i, x: np.mean(x))
>>> %timeit big_ts.vbt.rolling_apply(2, mean_nb)
86.2 ms ± 7.97 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
- Drawdown analysis
>>> pd.Series([2, 1, 3, 2]).vbt.drawdowns.plot().show()
- Functions for working with signals
- Entry, exit and random signal generation
- Ranking and distance functions
>>> pd.Series([False, True, True, True]).vbt.signals.first()
0 False
1 True
2 False
3 False
dtype: bool
- Signal factory for building iterative signal generators
- Also includes a range of basic generators such as random signal generator
>>> rand =[0, 1, 2], input_shape=(6,), seed=42)
>>> rand.entries
rand_n 0 1 2
0 False True True
1 False False False
2 False False False
3 False False True
4 False False False
5 False False False
>>> rand.exits
rand_n 0 1 2
0 False False False
1 False False True
2 False False False
3 False True False
4 False False True
5 False False False
- Functions for working with returns
- Compiled versions of metrics found in empyrical
>>> pd.Series([0.01, -0.01, 0.01]).vbt.returns(freq='1D').sharpe_ratio()
- Class for modeling portfolios
- Accepts signals, orders, and custom order function
- Supports long and short positions
- Supports individual and multi-asset mixed portfolios
- Provides metrics and tools for analyzing returns, orders, trades and positions
>>> price = [1., 2., 3., 2., 1.]
>>> entries = [True, False, True, False, False]
>>> exits = [False, True, False, True, False]
>>> portfolio = vbt.Portfolio.from_signals(price, entries, exits, freq='1D')
>>> portfolio.trades.plot().show()
- Indicator factory for building complex technical indicators with ease
- Technical indicators with full Numba support
- Moving average, Bollinger Bands, RSI, Stochastic, MACD, and more
- Each offers methods for generating signals and plotting
- Each allows arbitrary parameter combinations, from arrays to Cartesian products
>>>[1, 2, 3], window=[2, 3], ewm=[False, True]).ma
ma_window 2 3
ma_ewm False True
0 NaN NaN
1 1.5 NaN
2 2.5 2.428571
- Support for TA-Lib indicators out of the box
>>> SMA = vbt.IndicatorFactory.from_talib('SMA')
>>>[1., 2., 3.], timeperiod=[2, 3]).real
sma_timeperiod 2 3
0 NaN NaN
1 1.5 NaN
2 2.5 2.0
- Look-ahead indicators and label generators
- Search for local extrema, breakout detection, and more
>>> price = np.cumprod(np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, size=100) + 1)
>>>, 0.2, 0.2).plot().show()
- Interactive Plotly-based widgets for visual data analysis
Head over to the documentation to get started.
- Assessing performance of DMAC on Bitcoin
- Comparing effectiveness of stop signals
- Backtesting per trading session
- Portfolio optimization
- Plotting MACD parameters as 3D volume
Note: you need to run the notebook to play with widgets.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
First, you need to install vectorbt from the repository:
pip uninstall vectorbt
git clone
cd vectorbt
pip install -e .
After making changes, make sure you did not break any functionality:
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
This software is for educational purposes only. Do not risk money which you are afraid to lose. USE THE SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHORS AND ALL AFFILIATES ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR TRADING RESULTS.