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shinydashboardPlus 0.6.0

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@DivadNojnarg DivadNojnarg released this 30 Apr 12:28
· 271 commits to master since this release

New features

  • add new flipBox()
  • new sidebar in the boxPlus() function: set up with the following arguments
    "enable_sidebar", "sidebar_content", "sidebar_width", "sidebar_background" and
  • new "left_menu" argument in the dashboardHeaderPlus() to include elements
    in the left part of the navbar. (In addition to what you can already do in the
    right part with shinydashboard)
  • new dropdownBlock() to include shiny input elements in a navbar left menu
    (optimized for all screen sizes)
  • new "fixed" argument to the navbar (dashboardHeaderPlus()).
    If TRUE, the navbar is fixed-top. (static-top by default)
  • new setZoom() function (similar as setShadow())
  • new setPulse() function
  • new setShake() function
  • add "enable_preloader" and "loading_duration" to dashboardPagePlus() (custom preloader)
  • update the shinydashboardPlusGallery()
  • add a "style" argument to dashboardLabel()
  • change the website images
  • add "collapsed argument" to userPost() to show or hide comments when the
    application starts.

Bug fixes

  • now appButton() open a new window when clicked
  • now socialButton() open a new window when clicked
  • do not show comments when there are no comments in socialBox()
  • do not show the footer when it is NULL in socialBox()
  • add style overflow-y auto to socialBox() in case there are more than 2 comments (avoid "infinite" height boxes)
  • on mobiles (or small screens), navbar left menu items display inline, instead of column...
  • disable timelineItem() footer when NULL
  • center images in userPostMedia()
  • fix #8 thanks to @scottyraymond (dropdownBlock() icon not displaying)