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A mdx plugin to extract a react component documentation using react-docgen-typescript


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📝 A mdx plugin to extract a react component documentation using react-docgen-typescript

npm version


npm install -D remark-directive remark-mdx-react-docgen-typescript


import remarkReactDocgen from 'remark-mdx-react-docgen-typescript';
// or
// const remarkReactDocgen = require('remark-mdx-react-docgen-typescript').default;

See Using plugins for more instructions in the official documentation.


For example, given a file named example.mdx with the following contents:


The following script:

import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises';

import { compile } from '@mdx-js/mdx';
import remarkDirective from 'remark-directive';
import remarkReactDocgen from 'remark-mdx-react-docgen-typescript';

const { contents } = await compile(await readFile('example.mdx'), {
  jsx: true,
  remarkPlugins: [remarkDirective, remarkReactDocgen],

Roughly yields:

export default function MDXContent() {
  return <ComponentDocs
      "tags": {},
      "filePath": "${cwd}/__fixtures__/Component.tsx",
      "description": "",
      "displayName": "Component",
      "methods": [],
      "props": {...}

You may use @mdx-js/react to define the component for ComponentDocs tag name:

import { MDXProvider } from '@mdx-js/react';
import ComponentDocs from './ComponentDocs';
// ^-- Assumes an integration is used to compile MDX to JS, such as
// `@mdx-js/esbuild`, `@mdx-js/loader`, `@mdx-js/node-loader`, or
// `@mdx-js/rollup`, and that it is configured with
// `options.providerImportSource: '@mdx-js/react'`.

/** @type {import('mdx/types.js').MDXComponents} */
const components = {

  <MDXProvider components={components}>
    <Post />

The file path is relative to the markdown file path. You can use <rootDir> at the start of the path to import files relatively from the rootDir:


You may also specify additional attributes that will be forwarded as props to ComponentDocs component:

::component-docs{file="./Component.tsx" extraProp="value"}


  • componentName: string: The name of tag/component this plugin will use in JSX. Defaults to ComponentDocs.
  • directiveName: string: The directive name. Defaults to component-docs.
  • fileAttributeName: string: The attribute name for file path. Defaults to file.
  • rootDir: string: Change what <rootDir> refers to. Defaults to process.cwd().
  • reactDocGenOptions: object: Options for react-docgen-typescript.


After installing dependencies with npm install, the tests can be run with: npm test


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