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How To Automate Ram Cleaner with Microsoft RamMap

Ruchit Marathe edited this page Sep 10, 2022 · 11 revisions

Download the latest version of the Windows.Utilities.and.Fixes batch file from here and go into Utilities->RAM Cleaner->Set up ram clean task to set it up automatically

Otherwise follow the instructions below to do it manually - Credit to Patokav

  • Put Clean_Ram.bat in any folder, download here
  • Put Start_RamClean.bat in a folder, can be the same one as the one with Clean_Ram.bat but doesnt matter, you can download it here
  • Right click on the Start_RamClean.bat file and click edit. Put in the location of the Clean_Ram.bat file instead of the part that says "C:\FILE DIRECTORY HERE"
  • Open up Task Scheduler in Windows, on the Right side, click "Create Task"
  • In the General Tab
  1. Choose a name like "Ram Cleaner"
  2. Press "Run with highest Privileges" - this is to stop it asking for admin permissions with the pop up prompt.
  3. Tick run hidden.
  • In the Triggers Tab, press new
  1. Begin Task - On Schedule
  2. In settings - Check Daily. Set to Recur every: 1 day(s)
  3. In Advanced settings - Repeat task every: x Hours - dropdown max's at 1 but you can type in longer durations.
  4. Set For a duration of: to Indefinitely, Press OK
  • In the Actions Tab, press new
  1. Set Action: Start a program
  2. In settings - Press Browse beside Program/Script, find your Start_RamClean.bat file and select it, Press OK
  • Leave the Conditions & Settings tabs on default, Press OK