Scripts used for Coregonus sp. "Balchen" genome assembly/analysis in De-Kayne, Zoller & Feulner 2020
If you use/adapt any of these scripts please cite the associated paper:
For chromosome-scale scaffolds of wtdbg2 assembly see European Nucleotide Archive accession ERZ1303334 (formerly ERZ1030224) Unscaffolded contigs (7815) are included here as two files: AWG_v1.unscaffolded1.fastq.gz and AWG_v1.unscaffolded2.fastq.gz
Parameters/submission scripts are included for:
- FalconAssembly.txt - parameters for Falcon assembly by DNA Nexus
- CanuAssembly.txt - parameters for Canu assembly
- wtdbg2Assembly.txt - parameters for wtdbg2 assembly
- PurgeHaplotigs.txt - all commands for purging of haplotigs for each assembly
- - submission script for purge_haplotigs
Analysis and validation of assemblies (estimation of genome size, assessing coverage of Illumina data and confirming synteny to linkage map)
GenomeAssessmentAnalysis.txt - all commands run for estimation of genome size and analysis of each genome assembly
- - for coverage analysis
PhaseSynteny_FR2_MOLECOLRES.R - R script for coverage and synteny analysis of Falcon assembly
- FalconR2ChromosomeLenghts.txt - falcon assembly chromosome lengths
- SA_linkagemap_FalconR2PhaseMapped_Filtered.csv - mapping of SA linkage map to Falcon assembly
PhaseSynteny_CR2_MOLECOLRES.R - R script for coverage and synteny analysis of Canu assembly
- CanuR2ChromosomeLenghts.txt - falcon assembly chromosome lengths
- SA_linkagemap_CanuR2PhaseMapped_Filtered.csv - mapping of SA linkage map to Canu assembly
PhaseSynteny_WR2_MOLECOLRES.R - R script for coverage and synteny analysis of wtdbg2 assembly
- wtdbg2ChromosomeLenghts.txt - falcon assembly chromosome lengths
- SA_linkagemap_Wtdbg2PhaseMapped_Filtered.csv - mapping of SA linkage map to wtdbg2 assembly
- RepeatAnnotationCommands.txt - all commands for repeat masking of each assembly
- SalmonidaeRepbase.lib - Salmonidae repeat library used in repeat annotation
- MakerCommands.txt - all commands for MAKER2 annotation of wtdbg2 assembly
parameter files for round one of maker (remove _r1 to use):
- maker_bopts.ctl
- maker_exe.ctl
- maker_opts_r1.ctl
modified parameter files for round 2 and round 3 of maker (remove _r23 to use and in rounds 2 and 3 of annotation) (remove _r2 or _r3 to use maker_opts.ctl in rounds 2 and 3 of annotation):
- maker_opts_r2.ctl
- maker_opts_r3.ctl
- to.extract.lsf
- from.extract.lsf
- lastz_submitscript_extend2.lsf