Change Log
All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
This package adheres to Semantic Versioning.
1.0.0 release
Breaking Changes
- Change the name of public API: readInputWords() to ReadInputWords()following Google C++ Coding Styles.
- Change the name of public API: lookupWords() to LookupWords() following Google C++ Coding Styles.
- Add WordProcessor, SafeQueue, WordList, and Word classes to implement word processor applications.
- WordList class can be used to manage the word list and handle thread-safety issues.
- WordProcessor class can be used to handle input processing and avoid the use of unsafe functions.
- SafeQueue class can be used to handle the producer-consumer problem and avoid the use of
and potential race conditions.
- Added detailed design documentation and WordProcessor sequence diagram.
Bug Fixes
- Improvements: Follow modern C++ coding standards, paradigms, and styles.
- Improvements: Added unit tests and code coverage generation for improved software quality and reliability.
- Fixed the issue with the use of s_word which is not thread-safe as multiple threads can try to access it simultaneously leading to race conditions.
- Fixed the use of std::gets as it is unsafe and doesn't check for buffer overflow leading to potential security vulnerabilities.
- Fixed the use of std::strcpy and std::strcmp as it is unsafe as they don't check for buffer overflow leading to potential security vulnerabilities.