Scripts to help you deploy a personal prow instance on your own devlopment machine that can react to bot commands on a Pull Request on a Github repo that you setup, just like on the kubernetes/kubernetes project.
This is still a work in progress but will form the basis for a workshop to be presented at the Kubernetes Contributor Summit North America 2019 Setting Up and Running Prow on Your Development Machine
Attendees are welcome to log (and fix) issues as I iron out the crinkles in the coming days!
./ starts a kind cluster and uses kubectl and kapp to deploy a cluster using the starter.yaml taken from test-infra
Then you can use the to create a public ngrok tunnel that allows you to configure your github repo with a hook back to your personal prow instance
The personal is a scripted "manual" deployemnt as described here
You should create :
- your own Github Org
- a fork of kubernetes in that org
- a github robot account
sudo -E kwt net start creates a ngrok-based tunnel and adds that as a webhook on your repo to make your local prow instance reachable from github