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SkiROS2 template library

Template of a custom package for skiros2.

Configure steps

The renaming process below uses a common Perl tool to rename files. It can be installed with

sudo apt install rename
  • Replace word "template" with your package name:
cd skiros2_template_lib
# Rename inside files
git grep -l 'template' | xargs sed -i 's/template/my_package_name/g'
# Rename files
find . -depth -execdir rename 's/template/my_package_name/' '{}' \;
  • Replace word "xyz" with your robot name:
git grep -l 'xyz' | xargs sed -i 's/xyz/my_robot/g'
find . -depth -execdir rename 's/xyz/my_robot_name/' '{}' \;
  • Build your workspace
  • Source your workspace
  • Launch main.launch
roslaunch skiros2_<my_package_name>_lib main.launch