LED-Cube is a 8x8x8 RGB LED-Cube.
The project is in different communicating parts:
- /WEB : enables to run and execute animations.
- select animation
- preview animation
- create and edit animations
- connexion interface
- /cpp : executes and run animations
- converts the animation in a format readable for LED Drivers (TLC5940)
- runs the animation
- runs the server
You can find PCBs and schematics in CAO and PCBs
To intall the LED-Cube, you need RaspberryPi OS Lite: https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/operating-systems/
You can enable ssh at this step. Also, connect the Raspberry Pi to your network.
The project is available on Linux and Windows for tests.
You can install the VSCode extension CMake Tools to build the project.
A ledcube.env file is created where you start the server. You can use it to edit some configurations of the server.
# 1) Install Make and CMake
sudo apt install git cmake make
# 2) Git clone
git clone https://github.com/Jiogo18/Led-Cube
cd Led-Cube
git submodule update --init --recursive
# 3) Install BCM2835 library (if you are on a Raspberry Pi), required to control the LEDs
cd cpp/include/bcm2835-1.70
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install
cd ../../..
# 4) Initialize the project (for a Raspberry Pi with BCM2835)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ..
# 4 bis) If you don't have a Raspberry Pi (or no BCM2835 library), you can use the following command instead of the previous one
# You won't be able to see the cube but you can still compile and run the server.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DNOBCM2835=1 ..
cd ..
# 5) Compile and run the project
# sudo is required to access the GPIO pins and to create the WebSocket
cmake --build ./build
sudo ./build/Led-Cube
# 6) Enjoy
sudo cp ledcube.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable ledcube.service
# To start the service
sudo systemctl start ledcube.service
(for tests)
# 1) Install CMake and MinGW
https://www.mingw-w64.org/downloads/ (via Cygwin, LLVM, Qt...)
# 2) Git clone
git clone https://github.com/Jiogo18/Led-Cube
cd Led-Cube
git submodule update --init --recursive
# 3) Initialize the project
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..
cd ..
# 4) Compile and run the project
cmake --build ./build
# 5) Enjoy
Function | Key |
Select all LEDs between 2 points | Shift |
Select more than 1 LED | Control |
Previous layer | ArrowDown |
Next Layer | ArrowUp |
Switch axis | Tab |
Previous frame | ArrowLeft |
Next frame | ArrowRight |
All HCI is divided in 3 different pages:
- animation/from_image
- animation/edit
- animation/open
from_image has for role to create a new animation by uploading a picture. It is composed of 3 parts:
- picture manager to upload your picture to the LED-Cube
- 2D viewer to see the uploaded image
- formula to change some parameters on the image (more information about formulas at https://github.com/Robotek-Orleans/LED-Cube/blob/main/WEB/math.md)
edit has for role to create from scratch or edit an existing animation. It is composed of 6 parts:
- file manager window which the following elements:
- a text input with the animation-name
- a button to send the animation to execute.php to be saved and played to the LED-Cube
- a button to send the animation to save.php to be saved
- a reset button to clear all animation
- frame manager window with the following elements:
- the number of frames on the animation
- a number input with the frame duration in milliseconds
- a button to add a frame before the number written in the input box at the right
- a button to add a frame after the number written in the input box at the right
- a slider to select a specific frame
- 3 buttons to remove copy and paste a frame
- viewer 3D to see the 3D led matrix and the selected 2D matrix.
- 2D matrix choice with the following elements:
- 3 radio buttons to select the side/axis of the plan
- a slider to select the plan number
- a button to remove the highlight on the 3D viewer
- 2D matrix to modify and view the colour of some LED's
- colour choice with the following elements:
- 3 buttons to change colours on selected LED with a combination of red green and blue.
- a colour picker to select a colour more precisely
- 2 buttons to copy and paste a 2D matrix
x : left-right
y : front-back
z : bottom-top