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Roger-Chuh committed May 11, 2023
1 parent 4116dfa commit 12476a7
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Showing 648 changed files with 98,117 additions and 0 deletions.
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions AlignCoord.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
function rt = AlignCoord(matchPtBody,matchPtVR)
bodyCtrMass = mean(matchPtBody);
vrCtrMass = mean(matchPtVR);
bodyPt = matchPtBody - repmat(bodyCtrMass,size(matchPtBody,1),1);
vrPt = matchPtVR - repmat(vrCtrMass,size(matchPtVR,1),1);
[U,S,V] = svd(vrPt'*bodyPt);
H = U*S*V';
X = V*U';
% % [U,S,V] = svd(bodyPt'*vrPt);
% % H = U*S*V';
% % X = U'*V;
if abs(det(X) - (-1)) < 0.0001
% if X(2,2) < 0
V(:,3) = -V(:,3);
R = V*U';
R = X;

% % R(3,3) = -R(3,3);
t = bodyCtrMass' - R*vrCtrMass';
rt = [R t; 0 0 0 1];

mapped = (R*matchPtVR' + repmat(t,1,size(matchPtVR,1)))';
if 0
figure,plot3(matchPtBody(:,1),matchPtBody(:,2),matchPtBody(:,3),'or');hold on;plot3(mapped(:,1),mapped(:,2),mapped(:,3),'.g');axis equal;
[~,err] = NormalizeVector(matchPtBody - mapped);
113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions AnalyseDepthFilter.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
function AnalyseDepthFilter()

close all;

inputDir = 'C:\Users\Roger\Desktop\vins-fusion-fisheye\yvr\april\controller_2022-04-12-05-46-16';
inputDir = 'G:\matlab\data\tag\controller_2022-05-31-06-33-32';
inputDir = 'G:\matlab\data\direct\gt\1';
scale = 1;
camInfo = dir(fullfile(inputDir, 'Camera*'));

depth_filter_data = load(fullfile(inputDir, 'depth_filter_statistics.txt'));

depth_filter_data(:,4:12) = depth_filter_data(:,4:12) + 1;

dirCam0 = dir(fullfile(inputDir, camInfo(1).name,'images','*.bmp'));
dirCam3 = dir(fullfile(inputDir, camInfo(4).name,'images','*.bmp'));
assert(length(dirCam0) == length(dirCam3));
timestamp = zeros(length(dirCam0),1);
for i = 1 : length(dirCam0)
timestamp(i,1) = str2double(dirCam0(i).name(1:end-4));

frameNum = unique(depth_filter_data(:,1));

featIndAll = find(abs(depth_filter_data(:,1) - timestamp(1)) < 1000);
featIdAll = depth_filter_data(featIndAll, 4);
% hostCoord = depth_filter_data(featIndAll, 5:6);
% hostCoord = zeros
featMatX = zeros(max(depth_filter_data(featIndAll,4)), length(frameNum));
featMatY = zeros(max(depth_filter_data(featIndAll,4)), length(frameNum));
featMatAX = zeros(max(depth_filter_data(featIndAll,4)), length(frameNum));
featMatBX = zeros(max(depth_filter_data(featIndAll,4)), length(frameNum));
% featMatX(featIdAll,1) = hostCoord(:,1);
% featMatY(featIdAll,1) = hostCoord(:,2);
% featMatAX(featIdAll,1) = hostCoord(:,1);
% featMatAY(featIdAll,1) = hostCoord(:,2);
% featMatBX(featIdAll,1) = hostCoord(:,1);
% featMatBY(featIdAll,1) = hostCoord(:,2);

for imgId = 1 : length(frameNum) %length(dirCam0)
% img0 = imread(fullfile(inputDir, camInfo(1).name, 'images',dirCam0(imgId).name));
% img3 = imread(fullfile(inputDir, camInfo(4).name, 'images',dirCam3(imgId).name));
feats = find(abs(depth_filter_data(:,1) - timestamp(imgId)) < 1000);
featid = depth_filter_data(feats, 4);
hostCoord(featid,:) = depth_filter_data(feats, 5:6);
px_cur = depth_filter_data(feats, 11:12);
px_A = depth_filter_data(feats, 7:8);
px_B = depth_filter_data(feats, 9:10);
zList = depth_filter_data(feats, 13);
featMatX(featid,imgId) = px_cur(:,1);
featMatY(featid,imgId) = px_cur(:,2);
featMatAX(featid,imgId) = px_A(:,1);
featMatAY(featid,imgId) = px_A(:,2);
featMatBX(featid,imgId) = px_B(:,1);
featMatBY(featid,imgId) = px_B(:,2);
zMat(featid,imgId) = zList;
% for feat_id = 1 : feats
% end


validId = find(sum(featMatX > 0,2) > 0);
img0 = imread(fullfile(inputDir, camInfo(1).name, 'images',dirCam0(1).name));
img3 = imread(fullfile(inputDir, camInfo(4).name, 'images',dirCam3(1).name));
figure(1),subplot(2,2,1);imshow(img0);hold on;subplot(2,2,2);
for feat_id = (validId')

figure(1),subplot(2,2,1);cla;imshow(img0);plot(hostCoord(feat_id,1), hostCoord(feat_id,2),'or', 'MarkerSize',3,'LineWidth',3);
figure(1),subplot(2,2,2);cla;imshow(img3);hold on;
figure(1),subplot(2,2,[3 4]);cla;
z_buf = [];
for imgid = 1 : size(featMatX,2)
if featMatX(feat_id, imgid)~=0
z_buf = [z_buf; zMat(feat_id, imgid)];
figure(1),subplot(2,2,2);plot(featMatAX(feat_id,imgid), featMatAY(feat_id,imgid),'og','MarkerSize',3,'LineWidth',3');
plot(featMatBX(feat_id,imgid), featMatBY(feat_id,imgid),'ob','MarkerSize',3,'LineWidth',3');
plot(featMatX(feat_id,imgid), featMatY(feat_id,imgid),'or','MarkerSize',3,'LineWidth',3');title(sprintf('trial id: %d\n', imgid));
figure(1),subplot(2,2,[3 4]);plot(z_buf);drawnow;
ashk = 1;


function [FrameCam, names] = readNames(fileName)

fid=fopen(fileName); %首先打开文本文件coordinate.txt
temp = [];

names = {};
FrameCam = [];
while ~feof(fid) % while循环表示文件指针没到达末尾,则继续
% 每次读取一行, str是字符串格式
str = fgetl(fid);
idx = find(str == '/');
% names = [names; {str(end-21:end)}];
names = [names; {str(idx(end-1)+1:end)}];
FrameCam = [FrameCam;[str2num(str(1:5)) str2num(str(8))] ];


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