This repository contains some useful codes, techniques, algorithms, data structures and problem solutions helpful in Competitive Coding. Additionally, we have a blog explaining some of the concepts or problem solutions, whose source code is in the gh-pages-source branch.
The algorithms list is available in this wiki page. The folder Algorithms contains all the implementations.
The data structures list is available in this wiki page. The folder Data Structures contains all the implementations.
The solutions to various problems in different contests or practice problems on the following sites are available in Problem Solutions folder.
Some tricks and templates are available in Templates folder.
Refer to the GSSoC Wiki Page for contribution guidelines.
Refer to the Coding Standards Wiki Page for the coding standards to be followed.
Register for Hacktoberfest. Visit Hacktoberfest page.
Note: Kindly avoid profanity and document your code well. Refer these links for more details