🗒️ Adapted from GitHub's typescript-action README
Use this template to bootstrap the creation of a TypeScript action. 🚀
This template includes compilation support, tests, a validation workflow, and versioning guidance.
Use the CI/CD Dashboard to create a new repository using this template.
Install the dependencies
This project uses esbuild for packaging, and runs automatically on pre-commit to enhance the developer experience and reduce the manual step of building the executable output.
Run the tests ✔️
yarn test
The action.yml defines the inputs and output for your action.
Update the action.yml with your name, description, inputs and outputs for your action.
See the documentation
Most toolkit and CI/CD operations involve async operations so the action is run in an async function.
Start with modifying the src/run.ts
See the toolkit documentation for the various packages.
Any branches or tags are published and can be used within private repos in the invitation-homes
organization! 🚀
See the versioning documentation
See the actions tab for runs of this action! 🚀
After testing you can create a v1 tag to reference the stable and latest V1 action