Pre-releaseThis is a bugfix release. v0.7 failed rendering every time the adventurer made a step, and also had some pretty heavy performance issues. This release fixes those. Following is the release text for 0.7:
The primary focus of this release is, as mentioned, buildings. And furniture. Tables, chairs, waterwheels, etc.
There's quite a lot of stuff that doesn't have a model yet, and even more with only placeholder models, but since it's been a while since the last release, and there's a new DFhack release, I figured I'd release what I have so far.
I also added in sun movement that matches your fortress time, but it's really fast, because of the fortress timescales.
- Fixed a bug that caused the landscape to not render whenever you moved as an adventurer.
- Various performance improvements.
v0.7: - Allowed loading up a DF world without a fort loaded, like on the embark screen.
- Added support for adventure mode entering and leaving fast travel.
- Changed how textures are loded. Alpha maps now go into texture shape, and specular smoothness maps go into the material texture.
- Added building support.
- Added basic meshes for many, but not all, buildings.
- Added support for semitransparent meshes, like glass.
- Added a day/night system. Time can be paused by pressing P, and can be moved forward and back with [ and ].
- Added optional scaling of unit sprites. Can be toggled with L.
- Added ability to toggle shadows from overhead hidden geometry by pressing O.
W, A, S, D, and middle click drag: Move horizontally.
Q, E: Move up and down.
P: Pause and resume sun movement.
[, ]: Change time of day. This automatically pauses the sun movement.
O: Toggle shadows being casted from hidden Z-levels.
S: Toggle scaling of creatures based on their size.
Mouse wheel zooms in and out.
Right click drag rotates the view.
You must already have Dwarf Fortress 0.40.24 with DFHack R4 installed. Nothing else needed for this release.
Then just run Armok Vision from anywhere.
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