This is a project of Hack4Good program in 2020. In this project, we collaborated with IMPACT initiatives and delivered a solution to identify potentially falsified interviews from their household surveys in crisis regions. For more info, please see the report.
This project is implemented using the Kedro framework (link to documentation:
In this Readme, we introduce the steps which are needed in order to run this project successfully.
In order to be able to replicate the result, one should use the same python packages and the same versions of them that were used by us in the project. These packages and their required version are all listed in the requirements.txt file.
In order to install these packages only for this IMPACT/H4G project, a Virtual Envionment can be used.
Please follow the following steps depending on your operating system in order to build a Virtual Environment for your project and install all the required packages.
Install Virtual Environment:
pip install virtualenv
Create Virtual Environment:
virtualenv venv
Activate Virtual Environment for Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
Activate Virtual Environment for Windows:
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
We did not upload data on Gitlab repository for privacy purposes. In order to run the code with the data, the Excel files must be put into the /data/01_raw/ directory. Please make sure the password of these Excel files is removed beforehand for the purpose of running the project algorithm, otherwise the program will not be able to read in the data. All other intermediate datasets will be produced by the project algorithm and saved in the folder /data/02_intermediate/.
01_raw/ : raw password removed Excel dataset. (AFG1901_WoA_MSNA_Raw_data.xlsx and WoA_MSNA_cleaned_master_file.xlsx)
02_intermediate/ : dataset cleaned and merged with deletion log
03_primary/ : imputed dataset
04_feature/ : dataset after feature engineering
05_model_input/ : train and test split
06_models/: saved machine learning models
07_model_output/: not used
08_reporting/: log files from for final accuracy reporting
For more details you can take a look at /conf/base/catalog.yml.
This file contains all the details about the all saved objects and the corresponding paths.
Kedro Framework is structured into two main pipelines: data engineering as well as data science pipelines.
This pipeline loads the raw data from data directory and produces train and test datasets, ready to be used by the data science pipeline.
Mainly this part is responsible for loading data, applying cleaning and pre processing procedure, doing feature engineering and splitting the dataset to train and test. For more details you can read the Readme in the corresponding directory.
This pipeline uses the train and test datasets, generated by the data engineering pipeline. This pipeline consists of three main sub-pipelines: baseline model, feature selection and neural network.
The best result was achieved by a xgboost model. Although we tried out multiple other machine learning classifiers, including but not limited to random forest, catboost, Naive Bayes and SVM, we decided to not keep the corresponding codes for the purpose of readability.
For more details please read the Readme in the corresponding directory.
This directory contains some additional code and visualization results in jupyter notebooks for reference. Please refer to the for Data Science pipeline for more details.
The easiest way to run the whole code is to follow the following instructions.
Change into the project directory:
cd kedro-impact/
Run the whole project code:
run kedro
This command will run both data engineering and data science pipeline, save the trained models in the data/06_models directory and save the model performance and feature importance reports the measured metrics on data/08_reporting directory.
If you wish to run only a specific pipeline instead of running the whole project, please run this command: (selected_pipeline = the short-name of the pipeline as specified in the file src/kedro_impact/
run kedro --pipeline=selected_pipeline
If you want to run only a specific node, please run this command: (selected node = the name of the node as specified in the corresponding file)
run kedro --node=selected_node
The short-names of all pipelines are specified in the file located at /src/kedro_impact/
The name of each node is specified in the corresponding pipeline with the tag name