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Default config.yml

Lilac edited this page Jul 31, 2024 · 5 revisions
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# The locale to use in the /locale folder
# Default: en_US
locale: en_US

# Moderation Settings

  # Should the plugin check for messages that contain too many capital letters?
  # Default: true
  caps-checking-enabled: true

  # The maximum amount of capital letters that are allowed in one message.
  # Using this allows players to use words like 'LOL'.
  # Default: 5
  maximum-caps-allowed: 5

  # Should the plugin lowercase messages found to contain too many capital letters?
  # If false, the message will not be sent.
  # Default: true
  lowercase-caps-enabled: true

  # Should the plugin send a warning message (defined in the locale file) when a player sends a message that contains too many capital letters?
  # This requires lowercase-caps-enabled to be false, as the message will not be sent.
  # Default: true
  warn-on-caps-sent: true

  # Should the plugin check for players send multiple of the same, or similar, message?
  # Default: true
  spam-checking-enabled: true

  # How many similar messages are allowed to be sent before it is seen as spam?
  # Using this allows players to correct themselves if they have a typo.
  # Default: 5
  spam-message-count: 5

  # The sensitivity of the spam filter.
  # A higher number will catch words that are more different.
  # For example, a low sensitivity will catch bitch and bítch, but a high sensitivity may catch batch.
  # A lower value may be preferred to prevent catching real words.
  # Default: 30.0
  spam-filter-sensitivity: 30.0

  # Should the plugin send a warning message (defined in the locale file) when a player spams?
  # Default: true
  warn-on-spam-sent: true

  # Should the plugin check for messages that contain URLs and IP addresses?
  # If false, a player will still need permission to send URLs that can be clicked on.
  # Default: true
  url-checking-enabled: true

  # Should the plugin censor URLs and IP addresses?
  # If true, messages will be censored; periods and click functionality will be removed.
  # If false, the message will not be sent.
  # Default: true
  url-censoring-enabled: true

  # Should the plugin send a warning message (defined in the locale file) when a player sends a message that contains a URL or IP address?
  # This requires url-censoring-enabled to be false, as the message will not be sent.
  # Default: true
  warn-on-url-sent: true

  # Should the plugin check for swear words?
  # Default: true
  swear-checking-enabled: true

  # The sensitivity of the swear filter.
  # A higher number will catch words that are more different.
  # For example, a low sensitivity will catch bitch and bítch, but a high sensitivity may catch batch.
  # A lower value may be preferred to prevent catching real words.
  # Default: 25.0
  swear-filter-sensitivity: 25.0

  # If a player sends a message that contains one of these words, then the message will not be sent.
    - bitch

  # Should the plugin send a warning message (defined in the locale file) when a player sends a message with a blocked wear word?
  # Default: true
  warn-on-blocked-swear-sent: true

  # If a player sends a message that contains one of these words, then the word will be replaced.
  # Note: This does not affect words like 'assassin'.
  # Format: 'contains:replaced'
    - fuck:f***
    - ass:butt

  # Should deleting messages be enabled?
  # Requires ProtocolLib
  # Default: true
  enable-deleting-messages: true

# Nickname Settings

  # The minimum length a nickname can be.
  # Default: 3
  minimum-nickname-length: 3

  # The maximum length a nickname can be.
  # Note: This does not include color codes.
  # Default: 32
  maximum-nickname-length: 32

  # Should spaces be allowed in nicknames?
  # Default: true
  allow-spaces-in-nicknames: true

  # Should non-alphanumeric characters, such as brackets, be allowed in nicknames?
  # Default: true
  allow-nonalphanumeric-characters: true

  # Should player display names be updated every time the player sends a message?
  # When disabled, display names will only be updated when the player uses /nick.
  # This allows other plugins to get the display name at the time that the player last sent a message, rather than when they set their nickname
  # Default: true
  update-display-names-on-chat: true

  # Should the player list (tab) be updated when a player changes their nickname?
  # Default: true
  update-player-list: true

  # Should multiple players be allowed to use the same nickname?
  # Default: true
  allow-duplicate-names: true

# General Miscellaneous Settings

  # The event priority for the chat listener.
  # This may need to be changed if another plugin does something with chat.
  # Default: LOW
  chat-event-priority: LOW

  # The event priority for adding the delete button to messages.
  # This may need to be changed if another plugin also uses ProtocolLib to edit messages.
  # Default: NORMAL
  packet-event-priority: NORMAL

  # Should players be allowed to message other players on connected servers?
  # Requires BungeeCord
  # Default: true
  allow-bungeecord-messages: true

  # How long should the server wait when sending a message to another server?
  # Requires BungeeCord
  # Default: 500
  bungeecord-message-timeout: 500

  # The sound that will be sent to a player when they receive a message.
  # Players can individually disable this in-game with /togglesound.
  # Valid sounds can be found at:
  # Set to 'none' to disable.
  message-sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING

  # Should players be allowed to use markdown formatting in-game?
  # For example, using **text** to make text bold.
  # Default: true
  use-markdown-formatting-in-game: true

  # When a player uses one of these colors, RoseChat will shift the color slightly (#FFFFFE -> #FFFFFD) to avoid the shader being used without permission
    - '#FFFFFE'

  # Should there be a permission to use each chat color?
  # For example, using '<location>' to use &c.
  # More information can be found on the wiki:
  # A full list of colors can be found here:
  # Default: false
  use-per-color-permissions: false

  # How often, in ticks, should the plugin check if a player is in a region associated with a WorldGuard channel?
  # Requires WorldGuard
  # Default: 20
  worldguard-check-interval: 20

  # Should players be allowed to join group channels like normal channels?
  # A player can use '/gcmsg <channel>' without a message to join the channel.
  # Default: true
  can-join-group-channels: true

  # Should group channels be accessible using /channel instead of /gcm?
  # The can-join-group-channels setting will not take affect.
  # Default: true
  add-group-channels-to-channel-list: true

  # Should color codes be removed if a player attempts to send colors without having permission?
  # Default: false
  remove-color-codes: false

# Discord Settings
# Requires DiscordSRV

  # Should DiscordSRV support be enabled?
  # Default: true
  use-discord: true

  # Should a player's in-game name (nickname, display name, or username) be used instead of the Discord name?
  # This will only work if a player has linked their accounts.
  # Default: true
  use-minecraft-ign-with-discord: true

  # Should messages sent in Discord be deleted when the same message is deleted in-game, and vice versa?
  # Requires ProtocolLib
  # Default: true
  delete-discord-messages: true

  # Should messages in-game be edited when the same message is edited in Discord?
  # Default: true
  edit-messages: true

  # Should messages sent in Discord require in-game permissions?
  # For example, when sending a message with color.
  # Default: true
  require-permissions: true

  # Should messages that are blocked by moderation settings (e.g. swears) be deleted when sent from Discord?
  # The require-permissions setting needs to be enabled for this to work.
  # Default: true
  delete-blocked-messages: true

  # Players can send multiple lines when using DiscordSRV. This may spam the chat.
  # How many lines can a player send from Discord? The rest will not be sent.
  # Default: 3
  message-limit: 3

  # Can players tag Discord members?
  # Players can use @<username> in messages to tag a member.
  # Default: true
  can-tag-members: true

  # Should third-party plugins be supported?
  # This should be enabled when using plugins that edit Discord messages.
  # For example, InteractiveChatDiscordAddon.
  # This must be enabled if you want to use Webhooks with DiscordSRV.
  # Enabling this will disable the ability to delete Discord messages from in-game.
  # Default: false
  support-third-party-plugins: false

# These are the other chat formats in the plugin.

  # The format of a /message sent to another player.
  # Default: {message-sent}{message}
  message-sent: '{message-sent}{message}'

  # The format of a /message received from another player.
  # Default: {message-received}{message}
  message-received: '{message-received}{message}'

  # The format of a /message which will be displayed in the console.
  # Default: {console-message}{message}
  console-message: '{console-message}{message}'

  # The format of a spied /message.
  # Default: {spy-prefix}{spy-players}{message}
  message-spy: '{spy-prefix}{spy-players}{message}'

  # The format of a group message.
  # Default: {group-prefix}{group-member-prefix}{player}{separator}{message}
  group: '{group-prefix}{group-member-prefix}{player}{separator}{message}'

  # The format of a spied group message.
  # Default: {spy-prefix}{group-prefix}{group-member-prefix}{player}{separator}{message}
  group-spy: '{spy-prefix}{group-prefix}{group-member-prefix}{player}{separator}{message}'

  # The format of a spied channel message.
  # Default: {spy-prefix}{channel-prefix}{player}{separator}{message}
  channel-spy: '{spy-prefix}{channel-prefix}{player}{separator}{message}'

  # Should the delete button be added to the end of the client message?
  # Default: false
  delete-message-suffix: false

  # The format of a button to delete messages sent from the server to a player.
  # Requires ProtocolLib
  # Default: {delete-message}
  delete-client-message: '{delete-message}'

  # The format of a button to delete a player's own message.
  # Requires ProtocolLib
  # Default: {delete-message}
  delete-own-message: '{delete-message}'

  # The format of a button to delete other players' messages.
  # Requires ProtocolLib
  # Default: {delete-message}
  delete-other-message: '{delete-message}'

  # The format of a previously deleted message.
  # Requires ProtocolLib
  # Default: {deleted-message}
  deleted-message: '{deleted-message}'

  # The ID of the replacement, found in replacements.yml, for held items in chat.
  # Default: item
  held-item-replacement: item

  # The format of an edited discord message.
  # Default: {edited}
  edited-discord-message: '{edited}'

# Markdown Format Settings

  # Default: &l%message%&L
  bold: '&l%message%&L'

  # Default: &n%message&N
  underline: '&n%message&N'

  # Default: &m%message%&M
  strikethrough: '&m%message%&M'

  # Default: &o%message%&O
  italic: '&o%message%&O'

  # Default: <spoiler>%message%</spoiler>
  spoiler: <spoiler>%message%</spoiler>

  # Default: `%message%`
  code-block-one: '`%message%`'

  # Default: ```%message%```
  code-block-multiple: '```%message%```'

  # Default: &2> &o
  block-quotes: '&2> &o'

  # Default: {url}
  url: '{url}'

  # Default: {discord-channel-link}
  channel-link: '{discord-channel-link}'

# Settings for if you want to use MySQL for data management

  # Enable MySQL
  # If false, SQLite will be used instead
  # Default: false
  enabled: false

  # MySQL Database Hostname
  # Default:

  # MySQL Database Port
  # Default: 3306
  port: 3306

  # MySQL Database Name
  # Default: 
  database-name: ''

  # MySQL Database User Name
  # Default: 
  user-name: ''

  # MySQL Database User Password
  # Default: 
  user-password: ''

  # If the database connection should use SSL
  # You should enable this if your database supports SSL
  # Default: false
  use-ssl: false

  # The number of connections to make to the database
  # Default: 3
  connection-pool-size: 3