This application is not finished, as I learn WPF - not the best with XAML.
However, I am making an application that does a lot of things. My main goal overall is to have a full usable one in all application.
If you remember a person called Dirtbikercj (Still active in SPT) - He was working on a project in Python (That I am remaking in C#) to handle quest making, and custom trader creation. He has then given me full access to his repo, and permission to remake it all.
My end goal here:
Quest Editing (default though not recommended / custom quest)
Quest Creation
Item Editing (Better Version)
Trader Creation (You can opt to make a custom trader over my built-in one and the app will do it all for you)
Fully interactive app (For now I have a prototype that needs lots of edits)
As of right now, I don't like the current UI I have, but I'm too dumb to change it
Auto Item ID (I want to assign ID's in app, that way you can search for items, instead of ID's, and it does it all for you)
Preset Builder / Export
and more
- Allow Integration to VCQL VIRTUAL'S CUSTOM QUEST LOADER - Virtual
One more thing, if you feel like you can help, I do welcome it. This is a large project, and I'm not fully accustomed to SPT stuff - thus I am learning as I go. As of right now I am just making an application, I've not even started the Mod development yet.
And I have no direct path, if you feel something would fit in this project I won't decline it - I only ask that you run it by me so we can do this together.
As this project gets bigger I might have to make a text channel / discord for it just to keep track of stuff but that's the far future.